Here are was a battle where I lost 3 servants at once. It kept on going after level 25 to see if I could max Str or HP but still didn't max them by level 29 with a str of 253 and hp of 143. My full stats are below this battle. I think this time I won't try to max my other stats but distribute evenly with extra going into Str and HP
After all I keep my Green Dragon with +25 Int and +50 Find
Adventure begins:
This still Oktober midday when you are about to glanse at an old trached waggon standing beside the mainroad you see a green woodtroll in a small clearing up ahead, you decide to sneak up and attack...
One of your guards saves your life but dies in the combat
One of the servants is slain by the enemy, he will be rewarded in valhall for his breavery
One of the servants is slain by the enemy, he will be rewarded in valhall for his breavery
You have taken 14 points of damage.
After fighting valiantly you are at last victorious.
This event brought 2799 gold to your purse.
You receive 22520 experience points.
You have gained a level!(You are now level 24) Go to personal to raise your stats with your 16 new points!
Your strength has improved by 1.
You have 30 turns left
Go on another adventure »
[#12576] General Bing the Troll
(Real name: Richard Koelsch)
Turns left: 17
Life: 384 HP of 1043 HP
Experience: 1398288 (next level: 1499073)
Level: 29
Defense: 225 (1331)
Attack: 606 (1622)
Gold: 719048
Servants: 240 of 256
Jousting skill(JS): 1619
Archery skill(AS): 8 (AS + DexBonus: 35)
Value Total Value
Strength: 253 (413)
Intelligence: 50 (250)
Dexterity: 75 (215)
Charisma: 25 (165)
Find item: 70 (155)
Shield: Shield of Gods (Int +20, Str +20, Cha +15, Find +10, Def +40, Life +40)
Armour: Kings fullplatemail (Int +25, Cha +25, Def +90)
Helm: Kings Warcrown (Int +20, Str +50, Dex +30, Cha +10, Def +100, Att +100, Life +30)
Weapon: *UNIQUE* Sword of Walhall (Int +50, Str +50, Dex +50, Cha +50, Def +200, Att +250, Life +50)
Horse: Green Dragon (Int +25, Find +50, Def +90, Att +90)
Ring: Ring of kings (Int +15, Str +15, Dex +15, Cha +15, Find +15, Def +20, Att +20, Life +15)
Amulet: Amulett of Kings (Int +15, Str +15, Dex +15, Cha +15, Def +25, Att +25, Life +25)
Bow Shortbow of Gods (Int +10, Str +10, Dex +10, Cha +10, Find +10, Att +35, Life +10)
Lance: White lance of life (Int +20, Dex +20, Def +60, Att +35, Life +35)