Nominations for Tempest Casual Card!


Staff member
I don't think the question is "How often is a card played". I think the question is "What card from <this expansion> most represents 'casual', whether or not it's been played 'a lot'".

Tag Guard


The Tentacled One
I've given it some thought, and while I really like Living Death, it was a close decision for me between it and Humility. Since I've already seen some sentiment toward selecting Humility, I'm going to change my nomination. Like Living Death, Humility was a powerful rare that could cause a massive game swing once played. But it's more complex and allows for less straightforward approaches to winning, as well as being an excellent defensive tool.

Tag Guard


Isengar Tussle
The tempest card has to have shadow or somrthing to do with it.
Shadowstorm is a card that was needed for this block, but otherwise was a useless card.
But, I'll nominate Thalakos Mistfolk since it was in almost every blue deck, but no deck was built around it.


Staff member
Nominations so far:

Ertai's Meddling - Ransac
Humility - Oversoul
Kezzerdrix - Limited
Lobotomy - DarthFerret
Unstable Shapeshifter - TomB
Squee's Toy - orgg
Grindstone - BigBlue
Furnace of Rath - Melkor
Booby Trap - Spiderman
Overrun - Killerbob
Thalakos Mistfolk - Mooseman

Tag Guard


I don't think the question is "How often is a card played". I think the question is "What card from <this expansion> most represents 'casual', whether or not it's been played 'a lot'".
How can a card represent "casual" if noone plays it? There are lots of cards, which are interresting, but also are so weak, that noone plays them. Very casual, but not very classic. Some of these might even be someones personal favourite. But that doesnt make it a classic.

Anyway, Overrun lost a bit og its "Tempest-feeeling" when it was reprintet in Odyssey. That might count against it.



I've played with everything on the list except for Grindstone


Well-known member
This is actually not that bad a list, but I think everyone needs to remember that casual is not a synonym for crappy.


CPA Trash Man
I agree, but at the same time I feel that a card that was a staple of a formerly tier 1 tournament deck (Living Death) is hardly casual as well.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Thats why I nominated Kezzerdrix: its certainly not crappy (4/4 first strike for 2BB) but has a fun drawback you can work around.

And its definitely not a tournament defining card :D


The Tentacled One
Ransac said:
I agree, but at the same time I feel that a card that was a staple of a formerly tier 1 tournament deck (Living Death) is hardly casual as well.
Tier 1? I don't know about that. And it's not hard for a card to be used in a first tier deck in Standard, because the card pool is small. I don't think casual means "anti-tournament." I would agree that broken cards like Vampiric Tutor are not in the right "spirit" or whatever, but "casual" does not mean "anti-tournament." I've seen Living Death used in very casual decks, and more often than I've seen some of the other nominations.

I'd rather see a card win that has been used in casual and tournament decks all over than one that's barely used in any decks at all, or only used by people that are new to the game and do not yet have anything better.

Tag Guard


Living Death was Tier-1 in several decks, like the "14" combo deck, the Survival Of The Fittest deck that I won 5 months of tournaments with... Living Death was a serious Grade-A tournament card.

Turn1: Birds
Turn2: Survival, pitch a monster to get Avalanche Riders
Turn3: Riders your land, pitch a monster to get Avalanche Riders
Turn4: Riders your land, pitch a monster to get Avalanche Riders
Turn5: Riders your land, pitch 2 monsters to fill graveyard with fatties
Turn6: Living Death for 3 Avalanche Riders and 4 other creatures to leave you with no permanents. Call it my game?

But as has been said, just because a card got used in tournament doesnt rule it out from being Casual.


The Tentacled One
Gizmo said:
Living Death was Tier-1 in several decks, like the "14" combo deck, the Survival Of The Fittest deck that I won 5 months of tournaments with... Living Death was a serious Grade-A tournament card.

Turn1: Birds
Turn2: Survival, pitch a monster to get Avalanche Riders
Turn3: Riders your land, pitch a monster to get Avalanche Riders
Turn4: Riders your land, pitch a monster to get Avalanche Riders
Turn5: Riders your land, pitch 2 monsters to fill graveyard with fatties
Turn6: Living Death for 3 Avalanche Riders and 4 other creatures to leave you with no permanents. Call it my game?
Well, that's true. But I always thought the cards that broke decks like that were Survival and Recurring Nightmare (mostly Survival). And Living Death was just a mechanism to exploit this. I guess they wouldn't have been nearly as good without it, though...

Tag Guard


It was kind of an ensemble cast, you needed Survival OR Hermit Druid and Recurring Nightmare OR Living Death.

Living Death was the biggest kicker though, the rest was just keeping you ticking over till you cast Living Death and got ridiculous 187 effects coming in, then picked up Living Death to Anarchist and did it all again.


Staff member
Killerbob said:
How can a card represent "casual" if noone plays it? There are lots of cards, which are interresting, but also are so weak, that noone plays them. Very casual, but not very classic. Some of these might even be someones personal favourite. But that doesnt make it a classic.
I didn't say "no one plays it". I said "whether it's been played 'a lot'", meaning since there's hardly any way for to keep track of how many times a card is used in a non-tourney setting, no one knows how many times a card has been played. But given that there's thousands of Magic players, I find it hard to believe that "no one" has looked at Booby Trap and thought "hey, this would be great to build a deck around". And at least three people here have already :)

Anyway, the nominations are closed for voting. But I'll keep the thread open in case there's further discussion about this or Living Death or whatever.