Nominations for Legions Casual Card!


Staff member
Post 'em and the reasons here! Nominations end next Monday, 4/16 at 7:00 AM EDT.

Committee members: Killer Joe, Limited, BigBlue


CPA Trash Man
I don't think I can nominate anything other than Phage, the Untouchable. Finally, a black creature that can single-handedly win the game that you CAN'T re-animate. You are encouraged to pay for the normal casting cost without any funny business. Plus, she's a fatty. What's not to love!?

Ransac, cpa trash man


Or, we could just go with one of the biggest and most unplayed critter in the game....Krosan Cloudscraper. This is one of the first beat-downs that I have nominated, mainly because it is not my style of play, but in a casual deck, this could get nasty....


The Tentacled One
This is my least favorite set of all time. But it has a handful of good cards. Most of them aren't too incredibly novel or fun. There's stuff like Akroma or Withered Wretch. Good cards, but probably not casual card hall of fame cards...

I think I'm going to have to go with everyone's favorite Abomination Aboroth Advisor Aladdin Albatross Alchemist Ali-Baba Ali-from-Cairo Alligator Ambush-Party Ancestor Angel Ant Antelope Ape Archaeologist Asp Assassin Assembly-Worker Atog Aurochs Avatar Avenger Avizoa Badger Ball-Lightning Bandit Banshee Barbarian Barishi Basilisk Bat Bear Beast Bee Beeble Behemoth Being Berserker Bird Boar Bodyguard Brother Brownie Brushwagg Bull Bureaucrat Butterfly Camarid Camel Caravan Caribou Carnivore Carriage Carrier Cat Cavalry Cave-People Centaur Cephalid Cheetah Chicken Chimera Citizen Clamfolk Cleric Clone Cobra Cockatrice Constable Cow Crab Crocodile Crusader Dandan Demon Dervish Deserter Devil Devouring-Deep Dinosaur Djinn Dog Doppelganger Dragon Dragonfly Drake Drill-Sergeant Druid Dryad Dwarf Eater Eel Effigy Efreet Egg Elder Elemental Elephant Elf El-Hajjaj Enchantress Entity Erne Essence Exorcist Faerie Fallen Farmer Ferret Fiend Fish Flagbearer Flying-Men Force Fox Frog Frostbeast Fungus Fungusaur Gaea's-Avenger Gaea's-Liege Gargoyle Gatekeeper General Ghost Ghoul Giant Gnome Goat Goblin Golem Gorgon Graveborn Gremlin Griffin Guardian Gus Gypsy Hag Harlequin Hell's-Caretaker Heretic Hero Hipparion Hippo Homarid Hornet Horror Horse Horseman Hound Hunter Hydra Hyena Illusion Imp Incarnation Infernal-Denizen Inquisitor Insect Island-Fish Jackal Jellyfish Kavu Keeper Kelp King Kithkin Knight Kobold Kraken Lady-of-Proper-Etiquette Leech Legend Legionnaire Lemure Leper Leviathan Lhurgoyf Lichenthrope Licid Lion Lizard Lord Lurker Lycanthrope Mage Maggot Maiden Mammoth Manticore Mantis Marid Martyr Master Medusa Meerkat Mercenary Merchant Merfolk Mindsucker Minion Minor Minotaur Miracle-Worker Mist Mistfolk Mob Mold-Demon Monger Mongoose Monkey Monster Mosquito Mummy Murk-Dwellers Mutant Mystic Nameless-Race Narwhal Necrosavant Nekrataal Niall-Silvain Nightmare Nightstalker Noble Nomad Octopus Ogre Ooze Orb Orc Orgg Ouphe Ox Oyster Paladin Peacekeeper Pegasus People-of-the-Woods Phantasm Phelddagrif Phoenix Pig Pikemen Pirate Pixie-Queen Plant Poison-Snake Poltergeist Pony Preacher Priest Prism Pyknite Rabbit Raider Ranger Rat Rebel Reflection Rhino Robber Roc Rock-Sled Rooster Rukh Sage Salamander Sand Saproling Satyr Scavenger Scorpion Scout Serf Serpent Shade Shapeshifter Shark Sheep Ship Shyft Sindbad Singing-Tree Sister Skeleton Sliver Slug Smith Snake Soldier Sorceress Spawn Speaker Specter Spellshaper Sphinx Spider Spike Spirit Sponge Sprite Spuzzem Spy Squire Squirrel Stangg-Twin Starfish Stone Strider Survivor Swarm Tactician Tarpan Taskmaster Tetravite The-Biggest-Baddest-Nastiest-Scariest-Creature-You'll-Ever-See Thopter Thrull Thundermare Tiger Titan Toad Tombspawn Tortoise Townsfolk Tracker Treefolk Troll Turtle Uncle-Istvan Undead Unicorn Vampire Viashino Villain Viper Volver Vulture Walking-Dead Wall War-Rider Warrior Warthog Wasp Wave Whale Whippoorwill Wight Wiitigo Wildebeest Will-o'-the-Wisp Witch Wizard Wolf Wolverine Wolverine-Pack Wolves-of-the-Hunt Wombat Wood Worm Wraith Wretched Wurm Yeti Zombie.


The Tentacled One
These newfangled computers actually have something called "copy and paste" but I wouldn't expect someone as ancient as you to understand... :p


Isengar Tussle
Clickslither, because a lot of people at the pre-release thought the name was very funny.....


I like the nominations so far.. this is going to be a tough call.



Staff member
I would second the nomination for Phage if it mattered :), but I'll nominate Scion of Darkness. He can be easily gotten out with three clerics and Dark Supplicant, is great in MP since he can steal creatures from any graveyard (once you attack), and it's one of the few prereleases I went to and thus have the prerelease card for it :)

Nominations so far:

Phage the Untouchable - Ransac
Krosan Cloudscraper - DarthFerret
Mistform Ultimus - Oversoul
Clickslither - Mooseman
Wirewood Hivemaster - Melkor
Scion of Darkness - Spiderman


I second the Blue Orgg, Mistform Ultimus.

It fits in every theme deck you'd want to build. 'nuff said.


CPA Trash Man
Spidey's been slack in his duties today, but the nominations are closed for voting.

Ransac, cpa trash man