like to buy a PS2 when it comes out, but I don't see a single game out that will be worth playing on it when it launches, which means I'd only be using it for old PS RPGs and playing DVD's, which hardly justifies the cost. Perhaps if some decent games come out, I'll get one, but for now I don't see anything that even comes close to the PC games about to be released (hello, Baldur's Gate 2
). Also, don't be fooled by the numbers Sony is putting out on the PS2's hardware. They fail to mention that the system's CPU is severely limited by the speed and quantity of its RAM. The numbers they're publishing are
impossible to actually reach with the system's hardware. Due to what developers are saying about how hard it is to develop for the PS2, I don't think we'll be seeing any games that look near as good as Sony is hyping (I'm sorry, but the jaggies really suck) for over a year or more at least. By the time the GameCube is released with several hot titles, most developers will still be trying to figure out how to turn the PS2 on...
Regarding the GameCube, I see most of you haven't read more than two sentences of any of the reviews out. I imagine you probably just looked at the pictures, saw the name "Nintendo," and decided it "sux." Try actually reading some of the reviews, like those on IGN, and read what developers are saying about the system and you'll change your tune. As for the controller, how can you possible make any judgement on it givin that you've only seen a couple 2D images of it? How about being reasonable and at least waiting until E3, when the console will be available to play, to make your decision.
As for the XBox, it's just vaporware until the console is actually shown, as far as I'm concerned. I can't see myself ever buying one, as I don't feel like getting the "blue screen of death" while playing a console game. If I want my gaming system to have a hard drive and all that crap, I'll play games on my PC, thank you very much.