**this little game of ours is neither based on any level system, nor has anything to do with D&D. "Back in the day" everything was made up by the players as we went along, keeping in mind not to go overboard or try anything obviously overpowered. So, you are an illusionsist?
(somewhere inbetween 28th and 30th level, huh? That's just crazy. I don't even see the fun of that.)
So, since you are an illusionist, you cast illusions. Go with that and use your imagination.**
To Vertioch -
Your raptor circles about the manor and then does a couple of fly-bys on the out buildings. The info you glean is this...There is an elderly human male in tatered clothes asleep in an upstairs bedroom of the manor, and an equally elderly human female cooking in the out-door kitchen. There is nothing else of interest, really, and no other people can be seen.