I remember the first time I heard about Baneslayer Angel (I don't usually bother to follow spoilers, so I find out about powerful cards after everyone starts using them for a few weeks or sometimes months). I asked what it was and Al0ysius said "power creep." I know this has been the trend and all, but if that translation is accurate (I'm going to assume that it might not be, since "Phyrexian Canceler" is kind of a weird name anyway), this must be just about the most egregious example of power creep ever.
The thing is, I wouldn't be that surprised that they would print something like this. Tomb Stalker is effectively a 5/5 flyer for two to four mana, with the drawback a few very minor drawbacks (poor synergy with some mechanics, not completely reliable, and such). Salvage Titan is a 6/4 with an alternate cost that is trivial for some decks. This only stands out because its low mana cost for its size is not based on game mechanics, but simply part of the card and it has a powerful ability. A 5/5 for BBBB would be impressive. Tacking on a positive ability (and a very powerful one at that) is just insane. But it's probably a mistranslation. I mean, Phyrexian Negator got away with being one of the more successful creatures of all time and it's one mana cheaper than this and its ability is pretty close to the exact opposite of this thing's ability. Even if nothing else makes this seem like a stupid idea, Phyrexian Negator's performance should be more than enough...
Edit: I forgot about the trample. Now I can't stop laughing. I guess if one is going to be absurd, one might as well go all out with the absurdity. Is there some chance that this was an April Fool's day joke or something?