Ed, they changed Pangosaur on us again. Now it's a green creature, and it's drawback is activated on a land entering play, not a creature. I think you're right, by the way. In an extremely limited way it sort of works w/Sneak Attack, but there are better choices to Sneak, I think.
And Ferret, you're right in that it's pretty rare for the DCI to ban creatures, though they did it in Extended with Kird Ape, Hypnotic Specter, Serendib Effreet, and Juggernaut (though they unbanned Juggs almost immediately after the announcement). That's where the whole discussion came from last winter in response to the combos, and how silly it was to ban those creatures when solitare/combos were what everyone was playing, or losing to. With the new "set rotation", this is now a moot point, however.
Masticore will be the first creature banned in Type 2 (I refuse to call it "Standard") play. I believe this. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.
I just wondered when, not if.
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