MTG: Commander


Nothing Special
Kind of old news. EDH has been called Commander on MTGO since before I stopped playing there, which was probably about a year ago.

The new cards specifically designed for the format is certainly interesting news, though. I guess the multi-player specific sets will become a yearly tradition.


Staff member
Yeah, I know. They made specific mention of MTGO and that it would be "old news" to those players :)

But for those of us who don't play MTGO, we've still called it EDH.


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New cards are always fun, but this news is a bit stale. The only upside is that I could play tournaments with my EDH deck, yay. But I like how the format has grown, now it's actually possible to get opponents or deck advice. I think it's about two years ago that I posted a thread about it here, but then it didn't really strike a chord.


Staff member
Ah. Well, the name change bears mentioning, since people who knew it as EDH will have to know Commander means the same thing (like me :) )


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A bit more news on the decks that were mentioned in the first article: Commander Decks product images. So each box contains three "wedge" commanders, and two of them are new. I'm looking forward to the actual decklists! I'm considering buying one. I have a B/G and a R/G deck now, it would be nice to do something with the other two colors as well.