MTG: Arena



I'm on M:TG Arena, too, though I don't like it as much as Magic Online. Too bad Magic Online doesn't work on my computer.
In Arena, I'm "TheOrgg." I don't know if friends lists are a thing on it yet.
Arena feels like it is intended to compete with things like Hearthstone and to kill any interplayer economy.

I was on here to show someone an example of how an interview should go, and thought I'd drop by the forums.


The Tentacled One
Skull Cultist#30649

I'm not on much and I have no immediate plans to actually build my own decks or invest seriously in the game. But if they make it better someday, then we'll see...

Nice to see that TheOrgg is still alive (and possibly well).

And yeah, I don't really want the game to be like Hearthstone. My problem with MTGO was that the interface was clunky and I hated the chess clock. Also felt like it'd be too pricey t0 really do anything interesting there.


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac notices the emergence of long-absent old-timers.*


*Ransac readies his lead rabbit, just in case.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
Perhaps, the creation of Arena has inspired some of us "old guys" to come out of hiding :)