Mindmaster Shadows Over Innistrad: Spidey vs Mooseman


Staff member
Doh! I had you on the ropes! :D

No problem and sorry, that sucks... we can start a new one when you're ready.


Isengar Tussle
I had two meh creatures and another graveyard dig for 2 creatures to my hand. It didn't look good for me.
I am slowly getting things back together.
Who would have thought a computer preoblem was so much trouble.
I;ll have to back up my deck files. Might even get some space on a server for back up.


Staff member
Did your hard drive crash? Take your time, just let me know when you're ready and if you want to replay this expansion or move on to the next.


Isengar Tussle
I have another Shadows booster ready.
My computer just kept going into automatic repair mode and locked out my keyboard and mouse.