Legacy is still the format that I have the best grasp on, but at this point, there's really not much to say. Anyone with half a brain who looks at the format knows that some of the cards on the list are substantially less dangerous than some of the cards that have been powerhouses for the past several years. And yet other than a bit of a blip after
Khans of Tarkir when WotC noticed that the blue Delve spells were running rampant across every single format and decided to take action, they've completely ignored Legacy. There's a perception in the Legacy community that the mothership just doesn't understand our format at all and that there isn't interest in it, nor representation for it. Some high-profile people with connections are passionate about Vintage, and so with stuff like the Vintage Super League, they at least get some level of interest. Legacy is the stepchild format. And that's one reason it's gotten to the point that I'd prefer to shift my own focus to Vintage. Legacy isn't in a completely unsalvageable spot, but everything I see other than glimpses of hope like
Eternal Masters leaves me thinking that it's only going to get worse from here on. If they'd just give the format a chance, I'd prefer unbannings, one at a time, instead of banning anything yet.
Like I said, I've been trying to get into Vintage more. I've long been confounded by the way the format has developed, and I think that this whole time, the crux of the matter has been the fallout from the June, 2008 restrictions. Granted, there were already issues the prompted those restrictions, but they were such a sweeping change. With so many blue spells being hit at once, the format became a lot of Shops vs. Dredge, and both persisted as boogeymen of the format. This wasn't just through sheer performance, but also through demands put on sideboarding. I saw so many sideboards that were just a mixture of anti-Shops and anti-Dredge, with not a single slot left over for other matchups. And that led to a drop in tournament attendance at the same time that the popularity of the game as a whole was massively increasing. Maybe Vintage has bounced back a bit, but it's weird. And when I try to envision what should be done with the format, it's hard to justify anything. I mean, the dearth of data is one problem. Another is the gulf between paper Magic and MTGO, because for Vintage, MTGO now dwarfs traditional gameplay, but everything from the metagame to the competitive structure is completely different. Another problem is that some of the most logical changes are ones that seem past due. Mishra's Workshop might
still be producing the best decks in the format, and this has been after Chalice of the Void
and Lodestone Golem were both restricted on account of Mishra's Workshop. Trinisphere has been restricted for a long time for the same reason. Thirst for Knowledge was also previously restricted because of Shops decks, and was pulled from the list when Chalice was added. At what point, after multiple otherwise innocuous cards have to be restricted to balance a competitive environment, is Mishra's Workshop itself a candidate for restriction? Because I don't see the wisdom there. There is absolutely no way that cards like Trinisphere or Lodestone Golem would be considered too good in Vintage if Mishra's Workshop were restricted, but the card has been left unrestricted for so long that this is accepted. The Vintage restricted list is Fiddler on the Roof at this point.
Why do they not restrict Workshop? But by now, they've created a metagame that partially relies on Workshop decks, so they couldn't fully get rid of them without completely upturning the whole format. And it's not like Standard where banning a card might make the people who recently bought playsets take a small financial hit. The way card prices are in Vintage, what happens to people if they restrict Workshop or unrestrict, say, Library of Alexandria, are card that is even more rare, but is less powerful. Looking at the paltry data that's out there, if anything would need to be restricted, it's something from Mentor decks. But what? Gush again? Gitaxian Probe? And what would be an unrestriction candidate in this environment? I mean, I have some ideas, but I just don't know. And none of my proposals would be things that would go over well.
At this point, I'd actually be OK with banning/restricting Monastery Mentor in Legacy/Vintage, but I don't really think it's warranted. The card sure is obnoxious, though.
I'll probably just continue to criticize Modern for its oversensitive banning of cards. But the format is highly popular and has some cool aspects. Maybe it deserves more than just ridicule. So, philosophically, what direction should the format go? I find myself wondering, if a card is no problem at all in Legacy and is or might be a problem in Modern, why is that? I don't mean that everything in Modern should be unbanned if it's not banned in Legacy! I mean that if a card doesn't even really get a Legacy
presence and yet is perceived as a problem in Modern, something is missing, and before just up and banning everything, it might be worth determining what the distinctions are. For example, they've raised the point about Death's Shadow. And that deck would never fly in Legacy, in part because Swords to Plowshares would ruin it.
Standard has been bad for a while. I understand that having a combo deck on top must be frustrating for a lot of people, but Copycat has some serious competition and I'd argue that the deck's prominence is a mild side effect of the real problem. R&D should be fully culpable for this. But to be fair, the CoCo era was worse.