I was spending time here at the CPA and looking at the forum names and it hit me(hard - ouch...)... why not relate them to Magic - or Magic cards in particular...
Trading Post could be:
Balduvian Trading Post
Black Market
Cornered Market
High Market
Mercadian Bazaar
Rishadan Port
General Gaming could be:
Game Preserve
Timmy, Power Gamer
Greater Realm of Preservation
Undiscovered Paradise
Games Run By CPA Members could be:
Adventurer's Guildhouse - (from Legends)
Off Topic could be:
Irrigation Ditch(to catch all the run-off...)
Island of Wak-Wak
Maze of Ith
Off Balance
Mind twist
Mind Warp
Political Discussions could be:
City of Brass
Elfhame Palace
Library of Alexandria
Tower of the Magistrate
Political Trickery
Battle Arena could be:
Barbarian Ring
Bloodstained Mire
Cabal Pit
Contested Cliffs
Grand Coliseum
Havenwood Battleground
Suggestions could be:
Mishra's Factory
Think Tank
Testing Forum could be:
Mishra's Workshop
Riptide Laboratory
Arcane Laboratory
Trading Post could be:
Balduvian Trading Post
Black Market
Cornered Market
High Market
Mercadian Bazaar
Rishadan Port
General Gaming could be:
Game Preserve
Timmy, Power Gamer
Greater Realm of Preservation
Undiscovered Paradise
Games Run By CPA Members could be:
Adventurer's Guildhouse - (from Legends)
Off Topic could be:
Irrigation Ditch(to catch all the run-off...)
Island of Wak-Wak
Maze of Ith
Off Balance
Mind twist
Mind Warp
Political Discussions could be:
City of Brass
Elfhame Palace
Library of Alexandria
Tower of the Magistrate
Political Trickery
Battle Arena could be:
Barbarian Ring
Bloodstained Mire
Cabal Pit
Contested Cliffs
Grand Coliseum
Havenwood Battleground
Suggestions could be:
Mishra's Factory
Think Tank
Testing Forum could be:
Mishra's Workshop
Riptide Laboratory
Arcane Laboratory