Taking advantage of the fact that I've recorded my EDH decks from last year and this year on spreadsheets, let's see how much I used Dark Ritual in my decks. I already know from the statistical breakdown "article" I did for 2019 that Dark Ritual was tied for my fifth most-played black card, so I didn't run it in every possible deck with a black color identity. Going through those black decks, let's see...
3/10/19: Merieke Ri Berit "The Notorious M.R.B."
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
Here I was playing a slow, controlling deck. Blue was the primary color with white and black as secondaries. A one-time speed boost didn't seem valuable for this very grindy control deck.
3/24/19: Merieke Ri Berit "The Notorious M.R.B."
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
Uniquely, I played the same exact decklist I'd already played, with no changes whatsoever. The League was still new and I was still figuring things out. I wouldn't play the exact same list more than once from this point forward.
4/14/19: Savra, Queen of the Golgari "If You Wanna Fight That’s Fine With Me"
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

I played a heavily black deck here with various proactive control measures and land-ramping shenanigans. Dark Ritual was meant to be slung aggressively here, at the first opportunity to improve my board position. The exception would be if I were holding it for a planned board wipe, such as Black Sun's Zenith.
4/21/19: Olivia Voldaran "Haters Gonna Hate"
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

I think all of my Rakdos color identity decks included Dark Ritual. But I guess we'll check. Plenty of payloads for Dark Ritual here.
4/28/19: Ramses Overdark "Is It Dark In Here Or Is It Just Me?"
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Even though this was a slow, controlling deck, it had lots of black mana symbols in casting costs.
5/26/19: Nicol Bolas, the Ravager "Hastily Constructed Bolas WCCL Deck"
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Although I'd have probably used Dark Ritual to rush something out and improve my position, it was mostly there to help with specific cards, such as Hatred.
6/2/19: Merieke Ri Berit "The Notorious M.R.B."
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
Although I changed up a bunch of cards, the reason for not running Dark Ritual did not change.
6/9/19: Thrasios, Triton Hero & Vial Smasher the Fierce “Bonus Spite”
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

This was a combo deck. Dark Ritual was a no-brainer.
6/16: Boris Devilboon “Little Friends”
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Rakdos color identity. Dark Ritual confirmed.
7/14: Reyhan, Last of the Abzan & Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix “Bearadise Lost”
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

This was kind of a combo deck. The main plan for Dark Ritual was to help rush out multiple spells in one turn.
7/28: The Mimeoplasm “Splice World”
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

This dumb, gimmicky deck was based around casting tons of instants. Dark Ritual is one.
8/4: Ur-Drago “Not to be confused with The Ur-Dragon”
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
Although I ran enough black cards to justify Dark Ritual, this deck was grindy and seemed hard-pressed for card-drawing. Because Dark Ritual is a lousy topdeck in slow games, I didn't run it here.
8/11: Progenitus “Uncle Stephen’s Tub-’o-Lard”
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
As should be apparent from the commander, this deck wanted to go highly polychromatic. Dark Ritual was a liability for that.
9/1: Gwendlyn Di Corci “Waste Not and Gwenny D Had to Regulate”
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Are you kidding me? Of course this deck ran Dark Ritual. So good.
9/15: Volrath, the Shapestealer “Volrath’s Too Many Themes”
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
It was Sultai color identity, but so were two of these already. The distinction here is that I was trying to jam too many themes into the deck for West Coast Commander League points (hence the deck name). Dark Ritual would have been good in most of the focused versions of this, but my deck was unfocused.
10/6: Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale “Knights’ Charge with Good Cards (also bad cards)”
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
I don't know if eschewing Dark Ritual here was right. It might have been. I didn't run a ton of black mana symbols.
10/13: Kenrith, the Returned King “King’s Feast”
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
On the one hand, this was another five-color deck and probably didn't need Dark Ritual anyway. On the other hand, the deck as a whole didn't really work. Oops. I mean, it was just bad and didn't accomplish much.
11/3: Yarok, the Desecrated “Ever Eat a Pine Tree”
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Combo deck. Duh. I still have a version of this deck. It's fun.
12/15: Barktooth Warbeard “Not-So-Mysterious Santa”
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Rakdos again. Ha, I was right.
1/5/20: Sliver Queen "She's a Killer Queen"
This deck did not run Dark Ritual. X
Typical limitations of a five-color deck. I had to focus on more cosmopolitan mana production ideas.
1/12/20: The Gitrog Monster "Gitrog County Mana-Laundeering Scheme"
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

As though there were ever any doubt.
1/20/20: Axelrod Gunnarson "Axelrod's Bonfire"
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Bearing in mind that I didn't get to actually play this deck because of the silly prerelease for
Theros Beyond Death, it remains the case that I continued to use Dark Ritual if a deck's color identity was Rakdos.
1/26/20: Sidisi, Brood Tyrant "Mesmerizing Zombies
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Well, here I was running a control-combo deck with plenty of opportunities to get value off Dark Ritual
2/2/20: Erebos, Bleak-Hearted
This deck ran Dark Ritual.

Well, this was a monoblack deck, so yeah.