The P2E translator pipes up, "Can you tell us about Dr. Swol while we rest?!"
"Good question, Pikachu," replies Bernie. "I'm glad you asked. But first I must warn you that the things I'm about to say might not be consistent with anything I've previously said about Dr. Swol. I can't remember what I said earlier and don't feel like going back to find out. Continuity errors are to be expected in this world.
"The tale of Dr. Swol begins a long time ago here in this very tree. At the time, he was known as Dr. Sole and he was a young and optimistic podiatrist who came to work with us to create comfortable quality footwares (or footwear, as we now call it). While we had a long tradition of creating comfort through our shoes, Dr. Sole became increasingly insistent on using unnatural means in order to create additional comfort. Instead of putting the comfort into the shoe, he intended to create inserts and pads that contained strange powders and gels that he would concoct in his laboratory. He would try to sneak them into our shoes and eventually we had no choice but to boot him from our tree. The doctor became bitter and continued to obsess over his creations. But as long as we were making our shoes, no one needed what he had to offer. So he turned to the forces of darkness in an attempt to shut us down. It is said that he wandered the Backwoods for many months, searching for an answer. Then one day, he was inspired to search for the ancient Shards of Silica, which I will tell you about now.
"Many thousands of years ago, when the great flood ravaged the world, the Magic Wizard imbued a crystalline stone with the power to consume the flood. However, as the water dried from the land, it also dried from his brain. Once the land was clear again, the Magic Wizard tried to stop the detrimental effects from killing him. So he broke the stone into two pieces that we now call the Shards of Silica. He didn't know at first that the powers changed at the moment the stone broke in two. One shard fell down and landed at his feet (he called this the Foot Shard). It contained great inexplicable powers that weren't completely understood at the time. The other shard flew up and hit him in the head (he called this the Head Shard). This shard had no powers, except that it would constantly drain the mind of its wielder until they died. The Magic Wizard rightly didn't like this shard, so he buried it deep in the ground of what we now call the Backwoods. Soon, though, he discovered that the Foot Shard had no powers unless combined with the draining capabilities of the Head Shard. He decided it best to forever separate the two shards, so he traveled around the world, across three oceans and trekked over many miles of land until he came into a deep forest, where he buried the Foot Shard. Because he was really old and blind at this point, he didn't realize that he had literally traveled all the way around the world and buried the second shard no more than 3 feet from the first. Then he died.
"Well Dr. Sole found the shards and used the foot powers to create an army of minions. Little did he know that the shard also was stealing his sole, taking power over him and making his hate and anger swollen. Thus he became what he is today. However, power alone was not enough for him.
"For many years, we had a statue of St. Hubbins in front of our tree. It inspired us to work diligently and meticulously in order to create the best shoes in the world. But Dr. Swol believed it contained magical properties. He believed that by combining the power of the statue with the power of his shards, he could become the most renowned foot comfort provider in the world and shut us down forever. His soldiers came in the middle of the night and carried the statue away back to his lair. Of course, that didn't stop us from working, but I will admit that our quality declined and he began to rise to prominence.
"For many years, we continued to work in peace. But recently, I believe that Dr. Swol has realized that as long as we have our tree to live in and work in, that we will continue to thrive and continue to threaten his stranglehold on foot comfort. So now he has sent more soldiers to destroy our tree."
Bernie turns his attention toward the tarsal parcels he's holding. "Now," he says, "let's see what we have here."
Bernie uses his cobblering knife (not to be confused with a clobbering knife, which actually tends to do more cutting than clobbering, but that's beside the point) to cut open all the packages (I'm assuming that McGill voluntarily gave up the ones in his possession) whereupon a small bone falls out of each package. Bernie eyes the bones with wonderment and a sense of knowing and arranges them in a strange pattern that apparently only he can discern the meaning behind. He then tells the group that they must travel far to the south to find the lair of Dr. Swol. He believes the most direct route is to travel south by south west, but he can't tell for sure. He advises you to travel toward the highest concentration of foot soldiers and Dr. Swol's lair should be found nearby.
"Beware, though, for the doctor is very powerful, perhaps too powerful for you to fight alone. It would be best if you could sneak into his lair and steal the Foot Shard from which he derives his power. Once powerless, he should be forced to leave us alone."
Because the journey is at least a day away, by foot, the Cobbler elves provide enough Cobbler cookies to last the entire trip, as well as a pair of Uggly Boots for each party member (except Pete, who gets four pairs).
Also, all your baby dice are rattling.