No, you don't understand. I'm not trying to build a deck to take to a tourney, in fact, I'd never let this deck out of my house, lest someone _really_ abuse it.
I was simply trying to see if that could truly be considered broken, or if I was overeacting to an unimportant loophole. Turns out that if it worked, it was most certainly broken.
Remember the Yawgmoth's Will/Ritual combo being tossed around in Europe? When 6th came out, I saw that combo. I checked it with my friends (who also wouldn't use the combo in a tourney), and we couldn't find any holes in it.
I didn't go dominate local tourneys with that knowledge, instead, I de-constructed the deck and refused to tell anyone other than my playtest group what the combo was. I don't want combo winter coming back, and I do my best to spot, then systematically ignore, any loopholes I see.
That's what I do.
As for what Waubers is saying, I can understand that idea. Giving those Bargain/Academy players an idea of how boring it is to play against combo decks is a _good_ thing. I'm not gonna do it, I don't want to give them any ideas, but these players are a blight on Magic as a whole. Beating one into the ground with a sickeningly broken combo is an attractive fantasy, but not one I'm gonna try out.
--Zadok001, aka Greater Good fanatic