In for the long haul or not.


Staff member
Well, the question can always be asked again... or as a follow-up with the people who already answered to see if they are still playing Magic a couple of years later and see if reality held to what they thought might happen :)

Killer Joe

New member
Pose this question to me in 2007: Answer-YES

2010: Answer - Yes.

2015: Answer - Yes.

I'm pretty sure that I'm officially addicted to the game. :D

In May of 2017 I'll take a two week break :)

Force of Will Smith

Well, i got mainly into magic for the artwork, the game came second. So, i will probably always have my collection with me, save for shaving away some extras. I would stop buying cards if the price was too steep and i didn't have any sources that would allow me to purchase boxes or packs below normal price. If I couldnt get a box anywhere for under $100, i'd grab my collection and make do. Or if the color black ceased to exist.

I agree with an earlier post, that if Magic was mainstream it would be so awesome. A part of me however is kind of anticipating its drop in popularity in the future so i could get cards at any cost, in bulk. Then we could really talk about casual. (cept for power 9, that's just silly)

But yeah as long as people play, I'll probably find an interest to.

Chaos Turtle

Haven't played Magic in more than 9 months...still love it. Just poor at the moment.


Back into it more now that school is out and the moving is close to being over with...


do you know of anyone that might have shot them an email or asked them?...

that might be the easiest way to find out...;)

Chaos Turtle

I believe Ed does not. I believe Zadok does. As for the other, I dunno.


Staff member
That's my take on it. In fact, I think Zadok plays with Azreal.

And I think Duel was actually an alias for a member, but can't remember who for certain anymore...


Originally posted by Spiderman
Well, the question can always be asked again... or as a follow-up with the people who already answered to see if they are still playing Magic a couple of years later and see if reality held to what they thought might happen :)
I guess my 2000 comment held. The 9 yr old and 6 yr old are playing Magic now, so I'm back playing with them. The oldest has these annoyingly powerful decks, so we don't let him play with us! :) Well, we do, but only because he's really big.

Also, thanks to everyone who is part of this group for being so helpful.


I think that I"ll continue to keep up with magic for the long run. I'd like to see where the guys at WizCo World will take us.

As for card reprints... Howabout another Alpha/Beta reprint? That'd surely make the kiddies **** bricks.