I remember...
Ed talking...
Orange and Black...
Epic battles including mass quantities of orcs, pie, and Magic characters that Multani brought in...
DUke not being here...(they
were the good old days!)
Jackal killing people...
Anyway, here's our slightly strange conversation:
EviIKow: you know i'm one of the few people on the CPA boards who still has a retro nickname and "veteran" status
EviIKow: i just noticed that
Apollo9119: I do
Apollo9119: too
EviIKow: how did we manage that?
Apollo9119: we're too lazy to change it, methinks
EviIKow: lol probably...but we also get that cool "retro" look
Apollo9119: yeah
Apollo9119: we get to be old-timers and talk about the good old days when there was pie for everyone...
EviIKow: yea
EviIKow: but istanbul ate it all...
Apollo9119: sigh
EviIKow: or the fights between doe and duke
EviIKow: or CoW
Apollo9119: yup
EviIKow: and how "we walked up hill both ways to get our moxes thru the snow and hail with no shoes"
Apollo9119: "and sometimes when we got there they were all out of cards and we just had to go home and hope that they had some the next day"
EviIKow: "next day...try next month!"
Apollo9119: "if we were lucky"
EviIKow: yea
EviIKow: and the story of "jonny chaos" tearing up the orb and throwing confetti onto the table to win a match
Apollo9119: hehe
EviIKow: which few players still remember what the orb is....let alone that legand
Apollo9119: that happened to me 14 times...
Apollo9119: back in the day...
EviIKow: yea...
EviIKow: i'm hazing all the newbies
Apollo9119: hehe