I have BOTH Dreamweaver and Adobe GOLive and consider myself a novice web-designer. I would recommend Dreamweaver over Go Live. Like it was said before you dont have to KNOW HTML and the other languages but thier FUN to learn and HTML is pretty darn easy. Currently Dreamweaver goes for about 200.00 give or take 50 bucks. Small price for what you get. If your on the techy-hands on approach like some others theres probably NOT a better product than BBEdit (bare bones edit)..for text-editing/web building and begginng and adv programming.
The 2 mentioned programs are the top of the line and are the leaders in web-building.
As for learnability...Dreamweaver..but I really dont know your expertise and knowledge of programs. It's more of "How much time do I want to spend on this." if you use the program once every couple weeks, dont bother. Daily..BUY ONE.
There are alot more details one needs to know too. What does your ISP/Host allow...what sorta server is running it. Is it php like this one? In all honesty- 10 MB of space isnt alot if you have graphics...just depends on what your going to do I suppose.
You mentioned 'upload" to them. theyre are several FREE programs like FETCH which is an excellent and popular FTP (File transfer protocol) and others abound.
Of course Dreamweaver, Go Live ALL have thier own FTP embedded and is seamless in the program. THIS IS KEY IMO for choosing a program. User friendlyness of FTP..Im rambling because setting up a website is a great task and very rewarding. I pretty much learned everything by trial and lots of ERRORS...just wanna help a newbie out.
Good Luck and if you need help email me or pm...Ill be glad to help. Hell I might even HOST your site via MINE for free..just to get your feet wet. LMK
Nicholas Knight
PS....Ill also offer my graphic design PRO-BONO...