It's Christmas (Almost). You'd expect everyone to be happy, jolly, relaxed. But noooooo......
Parents are shopping for presents at a furious pace.
Students are frantic in studying for Finals.
And worst of all...that kind of attitude -one of frustration and intolerence- is slowly creeping into the CPA.
I think that people are too quick to judge.
Ex: Some new member post thier welcome. True, it's not the average hello, but it's still appropriate.
Member A (I will not name names.) jumps in and tells Ed and Zadok to close the thread and get their banning finger ready...
Since when did the CPA get so cutthroat?????!!!
I know that back when I was a newbie, everyone was polite and kind.
Today, newbies are always pounded with silliness, and insincerety.
Besides, it's Christmas. I think we should be more lenient on others. If a spammer is posting useless stuff, then tell him nicely to stop and do your best to keep your temper in check.
I'm hoping the CPA will become a little more relaxed...if only just for the holiday season..
I appreciate all the members who try to be relaxed but still relatively mature.
Parents are shopping for presents at a furious pace.
Students are frantic in studying for Finals.
And worst of all...that kind of attitude -one of frustration and intolerence- is slowly creeping into the CPA.
I think that people are too quick to judge.
Ex: Some new member post thier welcome. True, it's not the average hello, but it's still appropriate.
Member A (I will not name names.) jumps in and tells Ed and Zadok to close the thread and get their banning finger ready...
Since when did the CPA get so cutthroat?????!!!
I know that back when I was a newbie, everyone was polite and kind.
Today, newbies are always pounded with silliness, and insincerety.
Besides, it's Christmas. I think we should be more lenient on others. If a spammer is posting useless stuff, then tell him nicely to stop and do your best to keep your temper in check.
I'm hoping the CPA will become a little more relaxed...if only just for the holiday season..
I appreciate all the members who try to be relaxed but still relatively mature.