Help with Uyo Deck Please



This is a deck that I've been testing on MODO, but it really needs some help:

Land - 22

10 Forest
10 Island
1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers

Creatures - 25

4 Sakura Tribe Elder
4 Vine Trellis
3 Molder Slug
2 Kira, Great Glass Spinner
2 Shimmering Glasskite
2 Jetting Glasskite
3 Troll Ascetic
3 Uyo, Silent Prophet
2 Kira, Great Glass Spinner

Spells - 13

4 Kodama's Reach
2 Honden of the Seeing Winds
3 Genju of the Falls
4 Naturalize

Any ideas for maindeck or sideboard? I want to take this to FNM on Friday and see how it does. Thanks.


Crackdown said:
Land (22)
10 Forest
10 Island
1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
Only 22 lands? Even with the Elders and the Reaches, I would add two islands, seeing as you playing with Genju's
CD said:
Creatures (25) 23?
4 Sakura Tribe Elder
4 Vine Trellis
3 Molder Slug
2 Kira, Great Glass Spinner
2 Shimmering Glasskite
2 Jetting Glasskite
3 Troll Ascetic
3 Uyo, Silent Prophet
(2 Kira, Great Glass Spinner)
Assuming that this is a typo, 23 creatures.
CD said:
Spells (13)
4 Kodama's Reach
2 Honden of the Seeing Winds
3 Genju of the Falls
4 Naturalize
These aren't a lot of spells, considering that's what Uyo is for. Perhaps drop a Uyo? Two seems to be enough, and I am concerned this deck is just to slow to compete. Maybe it needs Condescend, Consuming Vortex and more control elements?


Limited said:
Only 22 lands? Even with the Elders and the Reaches, I would add two islands, seeing as you playing with Genju's

Assuming that this is a typo, 23 creatures.

These aren't a lot of spells, considering that's what Uyo is for. Perhaps drop a Uyo? Two seems to be enough, and I am concerned this deck is just to slow to compete. Maybe it needs Condescend, Consuming Vortex and more control elements?
I've changed the deck a little and made a two versions:

G/B Uyo Beatdown

10 Forest
10 Island
1 Minamo
1 Okina

2 Vine Trellis
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
2 Humble Budoka
2 Kira, Great Glass Spinner
4 Troll Ascetic
3 Shimmering Glasskite
3 Molder Slug
3 Kodama of the North Tree
2 Keiga, the Tide Star
3 Jetting Glasskite
2 Uyo, Silent Prophet

4 Kodama's Reach
3 Naturalize
1 Wear Away

This version is way too creature heavy but a blast to play. I would probably include 4 Consuming Vortex and remove 4 creatures, and perhaps add another Wear Away for Splicing, or Mists for a 1cc Arcane/draw. Coastal Piracy sounds good with all the evasion and Magpie could be there as well.


Creatures - 21

3 Vine Trellis
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
2 Humble Budoka
3 Kira, Great Glass Spinner
3 Shimmering Glasskite
2 Kodama of the North Tree
2 Jetting Glasskite
2 Keiga, the Tide Star

Spells - 17

4 Kodama's Reach
4 Consuming Vortex
4 Damping Matrix
2 Wear Away
3 Naturalize

Lands - 22

10 Forest
10 Island
1 Okina
1 Minamo

The Molder Slugs and Troll Ascetics do not have good synergy with Damping Matrix. Consuming Vortex can remove flyers or land blockers and can be spliced.

Black Matrix

Creatures - 18

4 Ashen-Skin Zubera
4 Ravenous Rats
1 Toshiro Umezawa
2 Yukora, the Prisoner
3 Abyssal Specter
2 Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
2 Kokusho, the Evening Star

Spells - 19

4 Damping Matrix
4 Consume Spirit
4 Distress
3 Echoing Decay
2 Hideous Laughter
2 Night of Soul's Betrayal

Lands - 23

22 Swamp
1 Shizo, Death's Storehouse