D DÛke Guest Aug 7, 2000 #22 I have already defined was Psycammer in another post... And CASEY knows what means, because I told him I dare any of you find the definition, its written clear in these boards somewhere. I've written it. Find it, I DARE YOU. Maro is the coolest
I have already defined was Psycammer in another post... And CASEY knows what means, because I told him I dare any of you find the definition, its written clear in these boards somewhere. I've written it. Find it, I DARE YOU. Maro is the coolest
D Duel Guest Aug 8, 2000 #24 We have a helluva lot of lurkers here.... There's gotta be some use for them... [me] picks his teeth with their bones... [/me] Ahh, I knew there was!
We have a helluva lot of lurkers here.... There's gotta be some use for them... [me] picks his teeth with their bones... [/me] Ahh, I knew there was!
D Duel Guest Aug 9, 2000 #25 Okay, I'm just trying to keep this post around. Sorry to waste your valuable time...
T TheDevil565 Guest Aug 9, 2000 #26 TAG GUARD Almindhra, Garfobo joined a while ago, as GarfobosOnFire, but he got the simpler username and had his posts combined. Just like me. BTW, I'm on the third page so I must suck. Lol
TAG GUARD Almindhra, Garfobo joined a while ago, as GarfobosOnFire, but he got the simpler username and had his posts combined. Just like me. BTW, I'm on the third page so I must suck. Lol