Happy (Belated) 4th of July!


Staff member
Hope everyone had a good one!

We had lots of rain in the afternoon/early evening, but the earlier part of the day was good... spent it at the pool. :)


Did a thing with my church involving a hot dog eating contest, and a Watermelon seed spitting contest. Had some rain, but overall not too bad. Spent the evening playing WOW and watching fireworks...


CPA Trash Man
I spent my celebration of our great country's independence......... in another country.... :D

Ransac, cpa trash man

Killer Joe

New member
5:00 am - Worked out
7:00 am - visited the CPA
7:01 am - took a morning nap
8:30 am - went to grocery store
10 to 1 pm - watched Law & Order Marathon on TnT (I love that Lenny Brisco)
1 pm - left for family friend's house an hour away
2 - 9 pm - ate too much, drank too much (buy HEY, it was coffee :rolleyes: since I don't drink alcohol :eek: ), played sports with the kids, set off cheap fireworks i.e. sparklers and such and watch a bunch of local communities fireworks on the way home.

I was going to start a thread here wishing everyone a Happy 4th that morning but then I realized we have members who are not American so I passed, but if I were a Dopey Adminstrative Assistant, I would've started one! :eek: :D


Staff member
I meant to start it before I left on the 3rd, but things were rushed... I was slightly surprised no one started one on the 4th, but then, it was a holiday so I figured activity would have been low anyway... :)


It was a decent one here... worked half day, then spent the evening with family... We were the only ones eaing in the restaurant that night before the fireworks show...

Needless to say, it didn't take long for food... :cool: