Goblin Lives Matter [EDH]


The Tentacled One
Had a weirdly slow start with this deck, but still came pretty close to setting up a combo. After mulliganing away a hand with no red sources, I wound up with a hand that had four Mountains. The problem was that I had no cheap goblins. I cast Phyrexian Altar on my third turn, but had no creatures. On my fourth turn, I tried to Gamble for Mana Echoes, but got unlucky with the 1/7 chance and discarded it. Then I cast Lightning Greaves. An opponent with no red was pulling ahead from the rest of the table, so I felt comfortable casting Gauntlet of Might, despite still having no creatures. On the following turn, I finally got some creatures out: Beetleback Chief and Krenko, Mob Boss. After Wheel of Misfortune gave me Goblin Matron, I had a plan to use my next turn to use Goblin Matron to fetch Kiki-Jiki and try to set up a combo. I didn't do the math to see if I'd have enough mana and it ended up not mattering. The player who cast the Wheel drew an explosive hand from it and slaughtered the whole table on that same turn.


The Tentacled One
This game put up a dominant performance. I was a turn away from all of my goblins being taken out by Farewell. Won with token beatdown after using Goblin Matron to fetch Kiki-Jiki and then Kiki-Jiki to copy the Matron and tutor up some other goblins. Goblin Chieftain and Vanquisher's Banner made my 1/1 goblin tokens into 3/3s, and Goblin Wardriver gave them +1/+0, then Goblin Lookout gave them +2/+0, so I had enough 6/3 tokens to finish off all of my opponents in one big attack.


The Tentacled One
Played this deck for my final game last night. I kept an opening hand with Pyre of Heroes and Mana Echoes, so I thought I might have a strong early approach toward setting up big mana token-generating loops. I topdecked more lands and, eventually, both Muxus and Kiki-Jiki. Despite not getting enough goblins on the field, I might have been OK in a regular game. This one wasn't regular. I died before I got a sixth turn, with some overpowered Giada angels deck focusing on me and beating me down. The player went on to kill the other two opponents on his next turn, so maybe focusing on me first was right? I don't know. He said, "Kiki-Jiki is a combo piece." What he didn't know was that the best line I was coming up with in my head, if I'd gotten another turn, was to get Mana Echoes out and then sac a goblin token to Pyre of Heroes for Skirk Prospector, then sac Goblin Piledriver and Kiki-Jiki for the red mana to cast Muxus, hoping that Muxus had some good hits. That was my evil masterplan for Kiki-Jiki in this game: to sacrifice it for a single red mana.


The Tentacled One
Played this deck again yesterday. Mogg Raider saved my important goblins from some damage triggers generated by Niv-Mizzet, Parun. From there I tried to use Gamble to grab Goblin Recruiter for a big chain, as I had Conspicuous Snoop in my hand. But Gamble discarded the Snoop. Fortunately, I'd been making all of my land drops and had Ashnod's Altar, so I was confident to set up a different pile with Muxus, flooding the board with goblins for the win.