From tha Vault: Dragons


Staff member
Wow. That's different. I still remember how excited I was to get my first Shivan so many years back...I even created a G/R speed Dragon deck - it never quite worked that well...however my W/R Angel/Dragon deck used to scare people in multiplayer. Once it got to eight mana it was over for everyone else...

-Ferret with mayhem...


insert avatar here
I just preordered it. Sales seem to be going fast, so I consider myself lucky. Anyway, since the value of each card in the nonfoil version is at least 5 bucks, the value of this set should be pretty good. If only for the Thunder dragon it's worth it. I'm going to use this as a starting point for an EDH deck. Seems appropriate.


Isengar Tussle
I'll be at GenCon and will have to look into this.
Where did you preorder it from? WoTC?
How much was the preorder?


insert avatar here
From a dutch webshop. 27 euro's. In dollars that would be about $40, but I think wizards is still running a one on one exchange rate. In fact, in 2003 or so, when the Euro was at $0.85, they increased the price of boosters because of increase costs. Weird, considering that the cards are actually printed in Belgium.

I did some googling and apparentely the US retail price is $35. The foil Kokusho alone is worth half of that.


insert avatar here
Bizarre. I just got a message my set is in the mail. At the same time I read that starcitygames is selling the set for $100. Weird.


I went to pre-order it a week ago from my normal shop... all sold out...

It looks pretty cool, I can understand it's a limited run... but maybe they should have made it a bit less limited.

Modus Pwnens

The supply is very, very limited. A friend of mine is the owner of a large dutch cardshop (, and he said he did not get anywhere near the amount of sets he ordered from the distributor. There supply is a lot lower than the demand, so shops like starcitygames up their prices..


I'm conflicted. It's a cool concept. Very chic. But at the same time, it's 90 bucks for 15 dragons that are foiled so you know they will roll up if you left them alone. Perhaps if it was a deck built with the 15 dragons in it....


insert avatar here
It's a lot of money, but that's not the suggested retail price. I got my box yesterday, but I haven't unsealed it. I must admit that it looks like a great gift box!


Shabbaman said:
It's a lot of money, but that's not the suggested retail price. I got my box yesterday, but I haven't unsealed it. I must admit that it looks like a great gift box!
You are right. The msrp is 34.99. No one is selling it though for less than 90. This is ridiculous. Even the retailers are selling it for over 90 bucks.


insert avatar here
It's just hype. There are no tournament staples in the set, and the only card that is (almost) impossible to get a hold of is Thunder dragon (played in reanimator). No one needs to buy this set, but a lot of people want to buy it. At least, for $35: everywhere where you could preorder it for the suggested price the set is sold out. At that price the set has good value if the cards would be normal versions. As a collector's set, it has some additional value. That's where supply and demand come in I guess. ATM supply is very limited. Somehow I doubt demand will be high at $100...

Wizards can use this hype very well. They can make as many collector's set as they want. Reprints of the dragon sets, but also Angels, Zombies, Elves, Lands... As long as they limit supply, they're assured that the set will get sold out.


Staff member
Yeah, everyone wants dragons :)

And I agree, this is probably a "test" thing, to gauge demand. Seeing how popular this is, they'll probably do the same with the more popular tribes like you describe.

I don't know about lands, though it's a possibility too.


insert avatar here
The reason I stated "lands" is to show how far they can take this. A set of alternate art ravnica block duals? As long as they respect the reserve list and keep the supply small enough so it doesn't affect the secondary market of the normal versions, then they can take it very far without creating an outrage.


Staff member
Oh yeah, with this kind of thing, anything goes. Artifacts, Legends, etc... That's why I said it's always a possibilty :)