Forum Leaders


CPA Trash Man
I had never seen the Forum Leader's link before and I just started chuckling when I saw who the moderators were. Here's a list of the mods plus the date of their last activity.

Baron Sengir - 5-10-2001
Chaos Turtle – 4-13-2006 (EDITED: Chaos Turtle is on now)
Child of Gaea – 11-19-2002
Dune_Echo – 8-24-2005
Ed Sullivan – 12-22-2005
Ferret – 2-11-2006
igfett – 10-29-2001
Istanbul – 12-02-2005
Nekrataal – 4-17-2000
orgg – 4-13-2006
Spiderman – 4-13-2006
theorgg – <see orgg>
TomB – 4-13-2006
Young Jedi – 10-19-1999
Zadok001 – 3-17-2003

I'm not suggesting that we ax them from the list and add new mods (or both). I just thought it was interesting of how many of our founders haven't stuck their nose in the door to see what we've been up to.

Ransac, cpa trash man


I see that list, and miss just about every one of those characters.

I wonder what Baron Sengir and Ihsan's Shade are doing, and what Dune Echo is up to, and Child of Gaea...

...but I miss Zadoc most of all.


Nothing Special
Baron Sengir, Chaos Turtle, Istanbul, and Zadok001 all jumped ship to MTGSalvation. They're on there pretty regularly if you want to contect them. Although I suggest our current mods don't go visit, because you'll probably never come back. Then again, I suppose we shouldn't need to worry about that since the usernames "spiderman" and "TomB" are already taken.


CPA Trash Man
I don't see what's so great about MTGSalvation. I went over there for a little while, but got bored with it rather quickly. Oh well...

Yeah, I miss Zadok and TickleMeHellNo.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Nothing Special
Ransac said:
I don't see what's so great about MTGSalvation. I went over there for a little while, but got bored with it rather quickly. Oh well...
I can't say for sure, but I think it's the spoilers. People go nuts for the inside info. As long as Rancored_Elf was a moderator there, he was giving all his primo spoiler news to them. I haven't followed the site's development for too long, but I'm guessing that's what got so many people over there in the first place.
After that, it just became the best MTG forum site. Whenever I go there, there's usually about 1000 people online. With that kind of population, they can really branch out and diversify, offering a little bit of something for everyone and continue to attract more and more people. They have a couple dozen forums and always have a handful of active threads in each forum, so if anyone's looking for a place to waste their time, that's it.


There's a lot of people on Salvation.

There's a lot of IDIOTS in the world.

Coincidence? Every time i visit there, the longer threads are full of nubskulls.

I'm going to message Baron Sengir, though. I hope it's the same person.


You've never seen the amount of idiocy as you will see on Gaia though... Poor guilds and such are trying to thrive over there and yet it's just full of people who are too stuck into Type 2 to realize there are other formats.


Orgg and NS have it right--the place is the forum equivalent of jank. Foil, rare jank, but still...jank.

I tried visiting a bit in the fiction area and its annoying. Bunch of kids with silly poems. As bad as myspace, haha!

That is kinda interesting how few of the Original Gs are still poking around here, though.

Oh, and MTGS doesn't even have the forum strength of Rancored Elf anymore. The little guy got his posterior Shocked by WotCo.


Yes. He can legally look at absolutly no information that wasn't officially publically released by Wizards of the Coast.

And he was banned from the DCI for life, and his Level 1 judgeship revoked.


Staff member
I could have sworn I saw Ed on this year... I thought he checks in at least once a week.

A good core of the Founders left pretty much after the first year. Why? Who knows... maybe they got everything they wanted with the formation of the CPA, maybe they didn't, maybe time pulled them away to other projects (most likely).

Dune Echo was one of the last hold-overs but even he didn't post that much.

Wait, let me correct that... Ferret was the last hold-out but he posted why he wasn't coming anymore.

Isty left for other reasons.

Zadok left and to this day, I'm still not sure why. No farewell message or anything. Just dropped out and we get snippets of his activity here and there. I'm actually kinda disappointed in that... especially since it turns out he went college right here in Baltimore.

Chaos Turtle checks in semi-regularly - I always thought he had intermittent internet access.


CPA Trash Man
When I compiled this list, some of the member's "Last Activity" status merely stated "Offline," rather than their last date on. So, for them, I just posted their last post time. So, Ed very well may be on once a week, but I wouldn't be able to tell.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Zadok first moved up to Seattle for college and didn't really have easy internet access for a while. The question more to the point is why he didn't come back once he did get more consistent Internet...


You know who I really miss? All the cool folks who've posted in the years and just gone off. Busy with real life, or tired of flaming or closed-mindedness or whatnot of various sorts. There have been some cool cats through here.


CPA Trash Man
I miss fuzzy510 and K9Archmage/Salacious Crumb. And PJ, Whimsy, and Almindhra. And YJ and Landkiller......

....and I guess DUke, too.... :D

Ransac, cpa tras man

Killer Joe

New member
Ransac said:
I miss fuzzy510 and K9Archmage/Salacious Crumb. And PJ, Whimsy, and Almindhra. And YJ and Landkiller......

....and I guess DUke, too.... :D

Ransac, cpa tras man
um,.......Ransac,,...........uh,, dude,...............I'm Yellowjacket :rolleyes:

My fondest memory of Whimsical was when she had Spiderman doing the wild dancing at the CPA awards like five years ago :D
That was the BEST!!! :)