For Ed's a Jolly good fellow, repeat,.....

Killer Joe

New member
Thanks Ed!
To evryone else: I don't know about you, but I was actually heartsickened when I couldn't access the 'ol CPA. This was too close of a call, can any of us help in anyway to make sure the CPA never has that happen again? Should we implement dues or something?
I was hanging out at the WotC message boards to see if I could find anyone there, no luck. Man, I couldn't even get my own nickname there, I had to use the title of one of my favorite jazz tunes, "Killer Joe".
Well, I hope others got the e-mail like I did (Many thanks to theorgg and Apollo).
And for that, Apollo, I will never ever make fun of the Browns ever again, ;).


I didn't get "the" email, but I did have someone PM me, which sent me an email linking with the IP address. I guess the name server is having issues or something. Anyway, if you know of someone who is usually around that isn't, send them a PM and if they have email, they should be able to link up.


There was an e-mail?
What was going on?
I had to back into the site from a thread post e-mail notification after back dooring myself into my cpa mail cause I couldn't access it through the page. I know Chaos Turtle was having trouble accessing the page early this morning too. Whats been going on, explanations please?? :confused:

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Dude, *I* didn't even get an email. ;)

One line summary:
The domain expired. So I finally bought good hosting.

Extensive version: expired. I had a friend do a bit of digging through his 2.2 GB's of zone files and he was able to find the IP of While he was searching, I went and purchased good hosting and altered the nameservers to point to the new ones (see below). I then managed to "dump" (backup) (that's what I needed the IP for) the CPA database's 55 MB of data and transfer/import it to the new server, so no data loss should've occured. I think we should be running as normal now (save the URL issue).

I also re-bought the domain name today, and will be redirecting it to, so we really shouldn't actually lose anyone. But, this is the "see below" part, expect it to be slow for the next few days as the DNS changes propagate around the world. Changing the nameservers on a domain takes upto 72 hours to reach everyone. I changed about 24 hours ago, and about 10.

And could someone who got the email, post it? I'm curious as to what it said. :)


Wow, I'm not sure whats scarier, that you were actually able to do all that and make it sound so easy or that I understood what you were talking about. ;)
Wasn't all that kinda...expensive?

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Wow, I'm not sure whats scarier, that you were actually able to do all that and make it sound so easy or that I understood what you were talking about.
The latter :)

Wasn't all that kinda...expensive?
The domains cost a whoping $13.50/year, so that wasn't bad. Hosting right now is $17/month, but I should be able to recoupe that with ads/sponsorship.

<side note>
Hmm... I now own 3 CPA related domains. :)
</side note>


I couldn't access the CPA for three days, I thought the server was down or something. I used yahoo to find the new site.


That did suck. Yea, verily.

Thank god CPA is back. I was getting ready to plotz...


Basically, I talked to Ed on AIM and asked him what the heck was going on. He gave me just about the same rundown he gave you. I talked to Darkstar (I think) and PPE and told them what was up, and then I sent emails to Theorgg and TomB, who were then able to distribute it on a wider scale (though I don't really know who all got it).

I don't know the details of the email Theorgg sent, and I can't get a copy of the email I sent him, but here's the email I sent TomB:

But on a different note, you've probably noticed that the CPA isn't working... I talked to Ed and he said that died for unknown reasons. He's got the site up here:


He said he'd try to connect with ASAP (maybe by the time you get this). I'm just trying to let people know where it is in the meantime.

And I will get those pics to you...
YJ: awww, thanks, I know how big a sacrifice that is for you.:)


one question though... i've noticed the smilies have lost their color... what's up with that?
[edit]ummm... the time is off an hour...[/edit]

also, just to confirm... is the main domain now, not just a redirect?


I was really having a hrad time when I could go to the CPA yesterday. I was away all weekend and come back and I was lost. But now I am found and trying to make up for lost time.

Cateran Emperor

(Whew) I thought that something was wrong with my system when I couldn't get on for a few days.

Huzzah for Ed, Lord of CPA Technical Stuff!


CPA Trash Man
Seeing as how this site is the only magic-related activity that I will probably partake in for about 3-4 months, I was actually wondering if it was worth not playing magic if the site had gone down.

Thank you, Ed, for keeping me in the game.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Good job Ed, and thanks for letting me know Apollo...I missed you all so much over the past few days...*sniff sniff*


Everything seems ok now... I thought Apocalypse was coming... :rolleyes:


Yeah just a couple of days with the site down gave me the "reload button" withdrawal syndrom (accompanied by the usual "come on already" sounds)

I came to realise how dependent I became to my dayly checks.

On the other hand, I was confident on the skillz and mastery of the one and only Ed ....

Once more, thanks Ed for all the work you put inot this site.

Hope it helps you get a nice 6 digit job when you graduate in a few years (such a feat is great on any IT related resume, believe me !!)


Here's the E-mail I sent out to everyone who contacted me, and everyone I still had their addresses for...

This is a message from Apollo at CPA Message Boards ( ). The CPA Message Boards owners
cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.

To email Apollo, you can use this online form:

OR, by email:
mailto:apollo[Number Deleted, just in case -Orgg]

This is the message:

This is Apollo, from the CPA. You might have noticed that it isn't
working. I was talking to Ed, and he said that died,
and he's put the site here:

He said he'd try to connect it to asap (maybe by the
time you get this) but I'm letting some people know where it is for the
time being.
I also noticed the bleached smilies, and I now miss them.
Ed, put some banners at the bottom of the page that pay well, and we'll start clickin'.

Everyone, join me on clicking at least one banner (when put up at the bottom) every forum you go to. Ed has done this without any real comphensation,a nd it's about time to get it done!


Yeah, that's the email. By the way, if anybody knows of anyone that isn't around, go ahead and email 'em to let them know what's up.

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
FWIW, everything *should* be coming back now. I someone else told me worked for them.

It's not working for me yet for some reason, but is. It makes it quite amusing, because redirects to (that's how it worked before), which now redirects to which redirects to ... :)