First Time Sealed Deck Tomorrow, need tips



I'm planning on going to the pre-release event tomorrow afternoon for Besieged. I've never played a sealed deck tournament before so I'm kind of wanting some advice on building my deck. I would also like to know a few things like the amount of time I'll have to build my deck and if some of my strategies for building a draft deck would apply well in this format.

I have a couple ideas I've been thinking of trying and would like to know how well they would work. My first idea is to separate my cards into 4 piles: bombs, really good cards, okay cards, and unplayables. From there, I would determine my strongest 2 colors and build a deck starting with the bombs and really good cards and fill it out with the rest from the okay cards (once a card is in the "unplayable" pile, it is not anywhere near being considered).

My second idea is again going with the separating cards into piles, but they will be piles of creatures, removal, land fetching/mana fixing, enchantments/equipment, and possibly an other pile. I would then fill out my deck with 13 or so creatures, then removal and mana fixing, taking enchantments and equipment to finish out my card count.

So, any advice would be nice and I would like to know which (if either) of my strategies would do me best.


Nothing Special
I prefer the second strategy... or actually a mix between the two is what I employ. Every good sealed deck needs a mix of three things, IMO: Bombs, removal and evasive creatures. Separate any card that fits into one of those three categories and use the colors that have the most cards that are in those categories. Then fill in the rest of the deck with efficient creatures and mana-fixers, if you're playing more than two colors. Of course, I'm sure there are a ton of cards that you want to use but don't fit into any category I've named, but that's where an individual's card-evaluation talents come in. Go with your gut at that point and decide what's going to help you win some games.


Yeah, now that I look back on it my second strategy does sound better. I'm actually thinking that I'll have to do at least 2 creature piles: one for infect, one for non-infect (maybe more if I also split on evasive vs non-evasive stuff, but the idea here is once I've decided on infect vs non-infect I can basically discard the pile I'm not using). I'm also kind of curious about the whole selecting Mirran or Phyrexian packs. I have a feeling that I'll need to decide if I'm going for a Metalcraft deck or Infect deck before choosing my side (I'll probably choose the Mirrans, Their promo card would make a great EDH addition, although infect decks do work pretty well in limited).

I think I should be fine evaluating what is a good card as far as the SOM packs go. The Besieged cards I only know the ones that I've seen spoilers for, but I have a feeling that everyone else in the tournament will be in the same situation.


CPA Trash Man
Definitely have a plan in place for whichever side you're on. HOWEVER, if you find that the removal spells are stronger in a color combination you didn't expect, don't be afraid to switch. Sealed deck is all about playing the deck your cards tell you to play.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Nothing Special
Sealed deck is all about playing the deck your cards tell you to play.
Wow. That's brilliant. Ransac, did you come up with that yourself or did you read it elsewhere? I hate to give you credit, but that's a great summation of how to play sealed deck.

NoN: Just to clarify my bit of advice, that's the general guidelines I follow for myself. I haven't played sealed deck IRL since Timespiral and haven't done so at all since they discontinued league play on MTGO (the bastards! That was my favorite feature.) I don't know how SOM / MBeseiged vary from past sets I've played, but things tend not to change too much. You just want to make sure you aren't lacking in legitimate threats (e.g. quality creatures) and ways of dealing with opponent's threats (e.g. removal spells.)


CPA Trash Man
I didn't read it elsewhere, but after reading several articles from various different sites, that appears to be the general concept the pros employ. The actual quote comes from my brain. I demand compensation for my greatness.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Just got done with the tournament. Ended up with a 2-3 recorded, but I definitely got my money's worth in rares. I had the new green/black sword, a Wormcoil Engine and a foil Venser the Sojourner all in my card pool. I couldn't play Venser since all my removal was in red and I didn't have any other white really worth splashing.

It seemed fairly imbalanced between the Phyrexian and Mirran packs. I chose Mirrans, but most of the ppl at the tournament went Phyrexia. They almost could have asked "Do you want to win or lose?"

Anyways, I enjoyed myself although I think I prefer draft over sealed deck. I might do the next pre-release sealed deck but only if they don't do some wonky Mirran vs Phyrexian thing again.


CPA Trash Man
I wasn't a fan of the Phyrexia/Mirran idea. I don't like thinking "Do I want a chance to open this set of rares or this set of rares." I, like most, went with Phyrexia, ended up with probably the worst Infect deck in the room and still got 12th out of 34. I don't want to pick my deck before I play. I want to be surprised.

Ransac, cpa trash man