Firefly MMORPG



humph. I had no idea that there ever was a show firefly. I do know that Joss Whedon was the brains behind Buffy the Vamp. Slayer TV series. Could be interesting...will have to keep an eye out!

Thank God Oversoul was not on when I made this post!

Tag Guard


Buffy seemed to teeter off and become really unoriginal and boring after like... the third season... Joss Whedon hit gold when Fox told him to do one last TV show before his contract ran out and he spawned the hit show Firefly. However exciting and interesting the show was, the second season was cancelled after the show was abruptly axed and Joss Whedon's contract expired. Months passed and the show gathered quite a cult following, spawning a community that banded together to get the show revived or at least a movie made of it. These fans or "brown coats" (a reference to the resistance fighters in the show) as they liked to be called, sold their souls off to the then unpopular Star Trek: Enterprise show to give it another season in exchange for the support of the Enterprise fanbase....

Well, it worked. Universal gave a moderate budget to make the film Serenity and it seems to have appeased the fans a bit... but the movie Serenity feels too rushed for a Firefly movie.

An MMORPG without both sides (Alliance and common folk) will be a bit cramped... but it'll be interesting.