Fantasy Football 2019


Staff member
Another weird week.... I happen to bring down the #4 (sorry TomB, my receivers did better!) and the other #2 and #3 are going down...
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Staff member
Can we just nominate Lamar Jackson for the Hall of Fame right now?!?! :eek:

Edit: Did I say Lamar Jackson? I should have saved it for Jameis Winston instead. Maybe both?!?!? :confused:
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CPA Trash Man
Sorry y’all. Time escapes me this season been singing a lot this holiday and working non-stop at the “real” job.

Consequently, I shall also blame my not winning the league on my schedule. Had nothing to do with anything else. That’s what I’ll tell myself. Yes. That’s the ticket.

Hope everyone is having a happy holidays. Go Seahawks!!

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
Arg. Monster week for semi-finals, died at the finals. I'm gonna call it and congrats to Melkor as our 2019 Champion.


Isengar Tussle
Congrats Melkor on taking down the Dwarven Juggernaut to capture the title.
Thanks to all the rest for another fun and exciting year.