#1. I do not know the specifics of Rush Limbaugh's drug use, but if he was caught partaking of illegal drugs, then yes, he should have gone to jail.
I don't know the specifics, either, but I'm pretty sure he was using legal drugs, but using them illegally, akin to getting a phony prescription.
#2. I am not sure how you can say that drug use is an ethical thing. Same with alcohol abuse. I have been hit by a drunk driver (granted it was at 3 mph and no one was hurt, but still). I have seen the effects of drug use on others as well as the effects on one's self. There is no way in God's green earth you can convince me that drug usage is ok.
I think you need to understand the difference between drug use and drug abuse. Drug abuse is bad. Doing anything dangerous under the influence of drugs is bad. Using drugs in such a way that you may cause harm to others is bad. All those things are bad, unethical, and should be illegal. But simply using drugs, in itself, is not bad or unethical.
To expand on your drunk driver example, the alcohol did not put anyone in harm's way. The usage of the alcohol did not put anyone in harm's way. Nothing unethical took place until that idiot decided to get behind the wheel of his car. That's why alcohol is legal and driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal. There's a very clear line between safe and dangerous.
Similarly, if someone wants to use marijuana in the privacy of their own home, I have no problem with that. If they get high to relax or have fun and do so in a safe environment, I believe that should be allowed. But if anyone using marijuana decided to do something dangerous while under the influence of the drug, they should be prosecuted just as someone who does so under the influence of alcohol.
#3. Just a point of irony here. It is funny how the same people that want to "ban" tabbacco smoking are also the first ones to jump on the wagon to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Where does your ethics arguments go on that one?
That's an odd generalization and one I was not familiar with. Honestly, I've never heard of anyone who wanted to completely ban tobacco smoking. Most of the pot-smokers I've met actually smoked tobacco first. Much like marijuana use, I don't find anything unethical about tobacco use. I think that fact that it's been banned in bars and restaurants in certain areas is kind of ridiculous, tantamount to banning it in someone's home.
As you can probably tell, I support the legalization of marijuana, even though I don't use it and never intend to use it, legal or not. But I've read studies on the drug and the history behind its criminalization and I just see a huge waste of time and money trying to enforce laws against a drug that is no more dangerous than tobacco or alcohol. Right now, this country wastes millions (probably billions) of dollars on finding, prosecuting and imprisoning minor drug offenders. Not only could we save all that money, but we could start regulating, taxing and growing marijuana locally, all of which would end up keeping money in this country and helping the economy. All that money's pouring into Mexico right now, fueling drug cartels and basically funding a war between those cartels and the Mexican government. Sooner or later, all that violence in Mexico is going to start pouring into the US (it's trickling in right now) and the most sensible, cost-effective way to stop it is simply by taking their revenue stream away and moving it to honest, law-abiding citizens who can actually be monitored and help accountable.