disgusted, disgusted, disgusted...


Staff member
This must be my first use of the "mad" smilie...

I just wanted to say that I am really disgusted by the thread in the Battle Arena called "Uncle Sam Wants You!" (or something with Uncle Sam in the title). It started out fine but it devolved into rape and anti-Semetism. Even though it IS the Battle Arena, I think that kind of stuff has absolutely NO place on these message boards; it was my understanding that the Battle Arena was meant in LIGHT-HEARTED fun and not acts such as these.

I'm not sure what can be done, if anything; I don't even know if I'm a lone voice in the wilderness here. However, after the profanity outburst we had a while back I resolved to speak up after such incidents occurred so here it is.

Delete the thread? Chastise the offenders? Laugh it off? Do nothing?

Speaking on the record, a very DISAPPOINTED web-slinger (not mud-slinger).


What I don't get is how anyone can go on for 6 pages about raping angels and what not.
SIX pages!
The real conversations around here don't last that long. My, my, my.
Although I am not angry at the thread, I am not amused.
I do see it as a waste of resources. If I were WM, I would delete it.

six pages...


I understand some people use the web as a fantasy life. Able to do things they wouldn't do normally. While this website is setup to allow people a fair amount of expression it is sad when that expression gets so twisted.
Also I think spiderman did the right thing by expressing his opinions here instead of trying to stop it in the thread. I see people making such ridulous posts and I want to scream. Such waste. I have better things to do than read some degenerates mispelled rantings.


Staff member
I couldn't post in that thread anyway because Ed closed it...

but one of the arguments against profanity was that this was a "kid-friendly" website and/or something about the rules of the server we are on. IMHO, this is DEFINATELY worse than profanity.

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
When I closed it, they had reconciled... fortunately. Had I been there an hour before, I would've banned someone.

However, if I see anything like that again - reconciled by the time I get there or not - the involved parties WILL BE BANNED.


I didn't read that thread, and it's a good thing I didn't. How many days did the thread remain open before Ed (thank you so much, BTW) removed it? Uh, it HAS been removed, right? Stuff like that does NOT belong on this site.

Ed, has the thread been removed (not just closed)? If anything deserves to be annihilated, this sounds like one of them...

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
No, it's just closed now. Waiting for more input. Soon to be moved away (ie, not public)


You might want to put up a warning about the danger of being banned for such actions for those that don't read this.
Also, a formal reprimand may be in order to discourage others from trying the same thing.
The sad thing is, I think I made one post to that thread when it first started.
Sorry.... (sigh)
Don't hit me.....(wince)


Staff member
Rando: No, you were fine. You posted in the beginning when it was still all good and fun.

Purple Jester: The problem was that the thread was only open a day and a half. The main participants were posting one right after each other; basically a message-form chat. So that kind of thing is hard to keep in check.

But I like Rando's warning suggestions and I like Ed's probable solution to move it out of sight if not deleted.


Are you referring to me? I didn't mean anything by it...sheesh.


Tag Guard

I think think would be a good idea to either delete or at least keep the thread from being seen by people.
Just in case we might want to keep an eye on the new thead :throws pie at wall: in the batle forum cause it has the same major participants.


Staff member
I'm not talking about your post either; at least, the one 4 or 5 down from the beginning. I'm talking about what happens on pages 3-5 of the thread - the whole tone is just nasty and vindictive.


It's a sad fact of life that arguments tend to get heated... Oh what the heck am I saying? <gives head a nice thump to clear it>

When tempers flare, reason tends to run for cover...


What can I say.... I just read all six pages of this post... "Disgusted" is the right word for me, too. In my opinion, maybe Founders could consider deleting the entire forum "Battle Arena"? I mean, what purpose does it serve besides

1) Mindless posts about fighting each other
2) Hateful racism and bigotry
3) Eating bandwith that could be used for something better

Honestly, I didn't believe some of the stuff I was reading.... My opinion is, let the kids play elsewhere, and use CPA forums for constructive posts only.


While I've never been a fan of Battle Arena (never posted there and only look in there last, if ever), I believe it's there to let people blow some steam. AND have their games... As for the constructive posting part ... uh-oh ... does that mean I have to start acting all serious and mature and drop the goofy attitude? ^_^

I hope not...


Staff member
I'm not saying the Battle Arena has to go altogether now, but it's one thing posting "your deck means this" in a tongue-in-cheek way, or orgg posting about reaching under breechcloth to pull out "numerous" things, and another posting "my 'minions' rape your 'minions' and BTW, all the Jews should have been killed off in WWII". THAT kind of stuff is just plain unacceptable, battle forum or not.

Cateran Emperor

Um, I just finished reading it and really am quite speechless. It satrted out normal, but by the end...
That is NOT the battle arena we all know and love. Leave the arena there Ed, just delete the thread (as of this post it's still up Jester). The arena itself is still acceptable, but that...thread...is NOT CPA quality posting.

[shakes head and walks off, dazed and confused]


That was sheer stupidity...

Everyone involved in that post past the 2nd page should be ashamed.

Kill the thread. But keep the Arena. It's fun if people just stick to silly stuff (Orgg's breechcloth :)), but this kind of stuff is stupid. Even if you take out the really offensive stuff, it's still

"I stab you"
"God brings me back to life and makes you never born"
"Ertai stops that cause he's powerful"

I can't see how that could have been fun for the people doing it. Here's a hint: if you're making a post in there, and you find yourself mad at everyone, not enjoying the battle, don't post there.

Phyrexian Pie-Eater

Mainly Pies, and other soft/squishy things. Its fun when battles are origional. But the bird is right, that post got really funked up. Thats why i was only involved at the start. Also, the only race that should be treated unfairly are the Catarians. They are commie pigs. May they all fall dead from bad pie!


Well, I never posted there, I don't think, but Eating the bandwith, unfortunately, is what I often stand accused of doing. I think that some general principles whoudl be set, and when I went back and checked that topic, I agree, it was innapropriate
BUT, I worry about people begin banned for wasting time in the off-topic forum. Isn't that kinda what it's for? If the content is racist, disgusting, or innapropriate, I see why you would ban them. If it's merely nonsensical, though, I see no reason to.