CPA updates (or lack thereof)



Is everything OK with the CPA webmasters? There hasn't been an update in more than a week. I not complaining (for once), I'm just curious.


What's in the To Be edited pile?

an article on Fires that I saw on a few days ago.

That's it. Nothing else.

Why has it not been uptdated? There is nothing to update it with, besides the phone numbers of people-- And I don't think everyone wants those... the ones that do have 'em-- Don't we Ransac?

Anyway, there should be quite a few after the PR. That's usually the best time for articles by CPA members. Unless I have a REALLY bad time and don't get to go second day to attempt to relieve the dissappointments, I'll be pumping out one this time, too. If It's a horrible time, I'll be refraining from expressing my dirision and dissappointment on the web. It just depresses people.


Staff member
You saw an article, theorgg? I haven't seen ANYTHING this whole time I've been back, except for those first 4 articles on my first day back.

Are people scared to submit now because of perceived "stricter" editing by us? I have no idea...

I think you should still post the article if you haven't done so already though, theorgg, for those that don't go to newwave (like me :)) or if you don't want to post it, maybe provide the link to the one on newwave (either in the forums or front page, whichever works).

Killer Joe

New member
I can only speak for myself, perhaps some others might feel this way too, but in light of the recent discussions about being "tougher" on article submissions, I'm resorting to writting my articles ("Road to Tourneyland"), in the General CPA Stuff section.


I am almost done my next article, I've been writing it in pieces for a while now, but as soon as I get home from school today I'll finish and submit it. So when you get, I guess you can update.

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Well, aside from Superguy's article, there will be an announcement tomorrow. Not exactly content related though. :)


Just shoot me in the friggin' head.

Yellowjacket, your tournament reports make excellent articles.

When I said that I was going to be stricter, I did NOT mean that I was going to edit out any and all flavor in the articles.

I DID mean that if you sent me an article about your grandmother's dietary habits, how bad the drivers are in your area, and why you think that monkeys are not related to humans, I will delete it. Also, if your idea of an article is to send a decklist for Sligh asking how it could be better, I'll ask you to post it in the decks section. As long as the article is at least 60% Magic-related, I will post it. As long as it contains no blatant profanity, I will post it. And as long as it's an actual article about Magic, I will post it.

This is getting people are afraid to post articles because of me.


Staff member
Istanbul is now FEARED on the CPA!

I don't know, that just cracks me up...

Anyway, I'll try to also follow Isty's guidelines but with an addition if it's fantasy and interesting to read, then it might get put up too (in response to another thread in Off-Topic about how Tolkien kick-started the whole fantasy genre). And I usually get on before Isty during weekdays... (meaning I get to look at the articles that are submitted between when he gets off at night, whenever that is, and in the morning when I come in for work). :)


Well, you Istanbul, but mostly that guy that just moved away from ccgprime to starcity, with top 10, bottom 10 articles ;)
Jeez, I sure hope I don't get there...


Am I causing people not to write? I hope not. Although, by moving to starcity, the criticism will become a lot more contructive.


...and nobody writes Articles. That means...

Fuzzy510 is loved on the CPA. :D


Baskil's on CPA?! Ahhh!!!!
*Alex runs out screaming with pieces of paper scattered around
Just kidding, I actually really like your columns, its just that I cannot help the sense of fear inside me ;)
Just kidding again.
Awesome columns. And now you're on StarCity, my, ahem, second favourite site. Sweeet!
I'm going to go finish that article now.


Baskil: that's what I was saying all along. You're "Bottom 10" just makes people afraid to write.

Killer Joe

New member
This week's edition of "The Road to Tourneyland" will be an article submission. I am going to include flavorable stuff like; what my opponents are like, or the atmosphere of the tourney place, and, as always, more dastardley deeds done by The Evil Shop Guru and his sidekick Evil Silent Guy, my sworn nemesis'!
However, knowing that REAL article writer's are lurking around (hint: You Got That Chief!? and "Don't be so Casual!"), I'm going to put a little more thought into my articles. :)


Originally posted by Yellowjacket
I'm going to put a little more thought into my articles. :)
Now *that's* what I was looking for, not people being afraid to write. There's no need to be afraid of criticism.


Hey I was just kiddin'. Almost finished the article, 'cept the deck I'm supposed to submit to arhar is becoming a pile of junk. Probably gonna have to redo that part all over again. Sigh.


Staff member
Despite having the possible dubious honor of making Baskil's Bottom Ten :), let's keep it in perspective: it's one person's opinion; it might just be that one article, not the writer in general; and perhaps there are valid constructive criticism that will help improve the writing ability.

Who knows, I'm sure there's people out there who think Wakefield's articles are a pile...


Baskil: you're right. There's no reason to be afraid of criticism. If it's constructive criticism. What I've seen of your bottom 10 is mostly blindly bashing people, and giving virtually no advice on how to improve said articles.

As I've said before, I like the top 10, and I think the bottom 10 would be a good thing if it were in the form of private emails to the writers and/or the site that posted them, rather than public humiliation.