i dont think so
Gerode boy bands are hella assed gay. i like rave foo. Raving is the tightest, coolest stuff alive. now then
*Casts a wrath of god, and summons 2 phyrexian negators to help him out.*
Sir Gerode out of the ground. Unless you'd like to join me
Gerode? If not...prepare to die.
*suddenly a radio appears out of no where, playing Mars and Mystere at the loudest it can go*
Oh yeah baby. Hey nanokill, bust some **** out here plz
*pulls out 15 inch glowsticks, and starts to lightshow*
Yeah you like these moves dont ya boys?
[Knock it off Riva!
[Edited by TomB on September 27th, 2000 at 09:06 PM]