Couldn't respond to Gizmo under his article...


Dune Echo

Daggone techonology! Okay, now that that is out of the way...

:) Okay, this is my reply to Giz's latest comments under his article:

I think Gizmo has a very good point here. I also like to say this, if we ARE casual, do we really need to go up against the DCI? Casual players play the way they want to right? 40 card decks, no restrictions and no errata unless everyone agrees it needs it? No one determines what's fun for us, right?

I think that Giz also right in the voting thing. However, I feel that we need to voice the opinions that are expressed by everyone in our group. What's the best way to express the views of the "silent majority?"

I know a lot of people want to state what they want and see a result, but on the same hand, isn't it our duty to support the silent majority by being casual?

Does the question now become, what does casual mean?

Captain Caveman

Something happened to my reply so I thought I'd
post it here too.

Can't the CPA be a place where the Casual Player
and the Activist share their decklist and their
concerns about the past, present and the future
of Magic, the Gathering?

Gizmo's point is very good but I don't think
the Activist should stop expressing their views.
Isn't there enough room for everyone? Maybe,
with enough support they can change the game
for the better.

I'd love to ramble on but my writing skills
are terrible so I'll just shut up.


Captain Caveman

I made two mistakes. 1st, I should of hit that
show all replyes button. 2nd, I meant to say...
the Activist should "not"
stop expressing their views.
I should know better than to try and do two
things at once.


Dune Echo

(This is mainly in reply to anyone that read my response to Gizmo's comments under his article.)

It seems that I've changed my stance, I know, but I think it's more that I don't want to take it too far guys and gals.
Yes, I'd like to get everyone into the booths and submit results to WotC on any given subject. But I also feel as a casual player, we should not concern ourselves with the "Tournament Rules" simply because we don't have to.

About the "going against the DCI" thing: That was something that has been sticking in my mind lately. Somewhere (I'm not even sure where), someone (not necessarily CPA) said something about "slapping the DCI with what we really want as a wake-up call." While I am whole-heartedly behind EACH AND EVERY person here whether we agree or not, I don't want us to become of the mindset that we have to "topple" the DCI and control them and make them do what we want. I guess I just don't want us to become too zealous and become a bunch of whiners that don't help anything, only piss everyone off. I'm sorry I gave the impression of second thoughts, because they're really not.

TomB, Spiderman, and anyone else that reads this:
I've been here since the beginning. I think the CPA is one of the greatest places on the Internet for people like us. I love the boards, I like the interaction. I'm not leaving, I'm not backing out. I'm in this with the rest of you, 100%. You guys can count on me until everything changes so much the purpose is lost. As long as we have that purpose, I'm apart of this group and that's not going to change.

I like the Voting Forums and discussion threads. I like the idea a lot, TomB. I'm looking forward to discussing the next three subjects the most though because that's what I want a say in :).

But no, people, I'm not turning my back now. But I'm also rather happy with things right now. There aren't a ton of must-have rares in MM and Nemesis and I find the card sets to be fun for me. I honestly don't have a lot of complaining to do. :) But there are somethings I'd like to talk about eventually.

TomB: I like your ratification idea. I think it's something that should be addressed immediately. That Mission Statement has been around for seven, almost 8 months. Since you said it TomB, I think you should create the topic, so please do.