The Tentacled One

I did a double-take. Yes, the RC mistakenly copied the "first printed" line from Tolarian Academy when they created the blurb for the next card on the list. Trade Secrets was actually first printed in October of 2002, not October of 1998. It's a minor editorial mistake. Other than that and the incorrect use of the phrase "unlimited cards" (Trade Secrets in this format would never, ever be able to draw more than 100 cards for any given player), I don't have any issues with this blurb.Commander RC said:First Printed: 1998-OCT
Banned: 2013-APR
Trade Secrets is a flag-bearer for the banning principle of “Cards which interact poorly with the multiplayer nature of the format”, as it’s a cheap spell that allows two players to collude; draw unlimited cards, and then box the other players out of the game.
Amusingly, Trade Secrets made it into a precon before it was banned. I think that Political Puppets is the only official Commander precon that is no longer legal in the format. Using this precedent, I say that we ban Sol Ring.
My response to this ban is kind of the opposite of my response to the Sway of the Stars ban after looking back at Tribal Game 5. With that card, I think that the RC are misguided. They've banned a super-niche fun multiplayer card on the basis that it's deceptively unfun, and they refuse to seriously reevaluate that position. With Trade Secrets, they seem to have banned a card that is seriously problematic for multiplayer, but in hindsight it's a wonder that anyone ever thought it would be OK. Before Trade Secrets was banned in EDH, I don't remember anyone in any multiplayer format suggesting, "Don't use this card" or "don't let groups play with this card." Somehow, Trade Secrets seemed like a reasonable card at the time. I even have a vague recollection of seeing it used in EDH prior to its 2013 ban. In hindsight, the card is obviously unacceptable. What were we thinking?
So yeah, good job RC. Except for getting the first printing year wrong. And saying "unlimited" about something that has a well-established limit. Oops on those. Good job on the rest.