Challenger Decks: Spidey (Counter Surge) vs Oversoul (Vehicle Rush)


Staff member
Yeah, the exiles cards were the "unknown" for me, but I couldn't stop the Heart so I figured this was it :)

So I think that's it for the Challenge decks. What else do you have?


The Tentacled One
Yep, we've gone through all of the Challenger decks and Event decks so far except for the Modern one and there's only one of those. Let's see...

The next set of Challenger decks actually comes out in one month.

There are also the Clash Packs. They were supposed to be released on an alternating schedule with the Event Decks, but then WotC pulled the plug on both products.


Staff member
Do you want to do the Clash Packs or just do the Planechase or wait for the Challenger decks next month?


The Tentacled One
Up to you. I've got room on my desk for multiple games. I'd have to sleeve up the Clash Packs (or the upcoming Challenger decks, for that matter), but I should have enough sleeves lying around for that.


Staff member
Let's do the Clash packs while we wait for the Challenger decks. Are there only two Clash packs? Armed and Dangerous? If so, I'll start with Armed.


The Tentacled One
There are three Clash Packs.

Fate and Fury (Magic 2015)
Power and Profit (Fate Reforged)
Armed and Dangerous (Magic Origins)


Staff member
Huh. I'll have to find the first two Clash Packs but let's start with Armed and Dangerous and I'll be Armed for the first match :)