CASUAL DECKS TOURNEY!: Oversoul R/W vs. Limited B/R/W



Yep, 2 - 0..

My deck clearly has superior removal spells (vindicate, lighting bolt, swords, etc)


Staff member
It ain't over just yet there, o' Webbed one...;)

[edit]Oh wait...I just saw your next play...Maybe it IS over...:([/edit]


The Tentacled One
What was this? I can't even comprehend—why was I using such bad cards? Was this a limited format? Did Ransac build my deck for some reason? I don't remember this at all, but I came across it while looking for something else...


Staff member
I don't remember either, you'd probably have to keep looking with Casual Decks Tourney as the search words perhaps, to find the thread setting it up.


CPA Trash Man
I believe this was the tournament with the deck we built one card at a time: each CPA member could add 1 card per day until the deck was finished.

I believe my deck was a 4 color deck involving Celestial Dawn, Scroll Rack and Land Tax with a bunch of other jank.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Nothing Special
I found that thread, but the cards don't seem to match with what's here. Also, I only found one thread about it.

There were a number of threads announcing random and (seemingly) unrelated Casual duels. I believe the first was here. Ransac (or someone) later turned that series of games into a tournament.


CPA Trash Man
There were 6-8 decks, each deck assigned to a specific member. They were all terrible.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Nothing Special
That's what I love about this forum. Old threads are never removed, so you can always go back and re-read the amusing moments that happened here. Or relive the horror of Tribal Game 14.