Break it up guys. Let's face it, each color is different, and each color has it's drawbacks. Blue will never survive without counter power, just like red will never survive without burn.
DUke, Counterspell, and all the like components for Blue are necessary for Blue inorder to win, but I'm sure there a couple of decks that doesn't need the counter power.
Istanbul, Dark Ritual is really important for Black. Yes, Black can live without it> Heck, Black can even dominate without it, but come on, Dark Ritual has always been a standard card, just like Counter Spell, Lighting Bolt, and Disenchant: any bannings of these cards will cause the color followers to be mad, it's just natural. Counterspell is just as important as Dark Ritual.
Now, for the banning of Dark Ritual, I kind of agree with it, but, can't they come up with a substitue? Hey, I'm sure R&D are slaking these days, but not to the point of not having the ability to creatre a new, less powerful, Dark Ritual.
Black and Blue, not enemys in Magic, but enemys on these boards, and by the way, I'm sorry if what I said isn't good enough for anyone, I'm only the Guy from the other post