Well, for now it would be practical. 8 of us have decks (assuming hrothmar accepts the invitation). When our games are done, we can have an 8 man single-elimination tournament! WOOT!
And then, when it's all over, we can start over again!!!!!!! GOTTA LOVE HAVING NOTHING TO DO!!!!!!!
Ransac: That's what I'm trying to do Got two games going and DF's would be the third...
TomB: I have an Excel spreadsheet that your deck can be entered in. Even has hidden columns for the library. To draw, you just click on it to unhide it. Then your hand is on one side and everything of yours in play is on another. Then you can just save the state of it when you close down. I can forward it to you if you'd like.
Well, hrothmar can play it anyways if he wants to, but yeah, Spidey, it'd be cool if you would send it to me in case we make another one and I end up playing it...