Black/Green Control

Killer Joe

New member
Wall of Roots would be better because I'm not too interested in drawing a whole lot of cards. You see, in this particular format this group decided to have a virtual Howling Mine effect kick-in starting on turn seven.


4 Prenicous Deeds
4 Spirit Monger
3 Wall of Souls/Blossoms (Id stay with Souls to keep oppenents from shying away from attacking u)
4 Dark Ritual
3 Chain of Acid (kill anything)
4 Innocent Blood
4 Syphon Mind
2 Multani, Maro Sorcerer
2 Forgotten Ancient
2 Defense of the Heart
2 Drain Life

4 Llanowar Wastes
4 City of Brass
4 Wall of Roots
4 Birds of Paradise/Utopia Tree
8 Swamps
6 Forest


ya, i use to havea pair of verdant forces id go and grab ;D

4 mana for 2 7/7s is insane enough and u get 10 1/1s by the time it gets back to u :D


The Tentacled One
Although if the game is THAT big, I'm sure dropping Defense of the Heart automatically makes you a target, and someone has to have some sort of removal...

Killer Joe

New member
I knew I forgot to tell you guys something. Since this is an organized game with points and all I really need to be able to knock out everyone in one fell swoop. That's the reason for Biorhythm.

Now for casual play with nothing at stake, I really like Gaea's deck list :).


Here's a land as "only permanents" deck:
2x Treetop Village
2x Spawning Pool
2x Tainted Wood
10x Swamps
6x Forest

4x Chainer's Edict
4x Dark Banishing
3x Eradicate (train tech is never bad ;))
3x Barter in Blood
2x Decree of Pain
2x Naturalize
3x Moment's peace
3x Consume Spirit
2x Persecute
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Vampiric Tutor
3x Gaea's Blessing
3x Natural Affinity
4x Krosan Tusker (for land and drawing)


Staff member
It looks like it's supposed to control the board, recycling the various control elements with the Blessings, until you can beat them down with a Village :)



I has all its threats in the form of spells that can deal with anything. what about adding some Mishra's factories?

I know they are colorless, but 1 for a 2/2 is so good. Maybe 2 spawning pools and a basic land for three of them?

I like the train tech!!

Natural affinity + Eradicate is pretty much a concede for them if they are playing a monocolor and you dont share a land type. I was wondering though, why the Chainer's instead of Diabolic Edicts 7 mana is a pretty high flashback, and in most cases you will not usually flash it. Diabolic is an instant, and can guarantee that you snipe off their only threat once it hits play.

Also what about Toxic Stench, Life/Death, and Terror....would these be better destruct spells than Banishing?...or what about is enchantment counter-part, Seal of Doom.


The Tentacled One
Originally posted by Spiderman
It looks like it's supposed to control the board, recycling the various control elements with the Blessings, until you can beat them down with a Village :)
A little fragile, IMO. It has a lot of control cards, sure. But it just looks like a lot of decks could slip right between its defenses and smack it or something...


Staff member
I bet you'd be surprised. I'm more used to MP play now where things are more forgiving, but it looks like you're always going to have an answer in your hand while you build up to the global effects like Persecute.

In fact, I'll try playing it vs a deck you have in the Games Run forum if you want... :)


The Tentacled One
Fair enough, many of those control cards (it's been a while since I saw a Persecute are pretty cool in action and it can be really cool, especially against blue, which makes sense what with the deck being made by Train) are pretty cool...

I think it should maybe have a full set of Villages though. Maybe I'm just used to decks with more threats, rather than lots of proactive/reactive answers to opposing threats...

Sure, I'd play against it though. Be cool to see it in action. How do you do that though? I've never done this before...


Staff member
Check out some sample threads there to get a feel for what it's like (you might have to go back 60 or 90 days as it hasn't been that active recently). Basically it's on the honor system for drawing and stuff and we post what's on the board as it comes out.


The Tentacled One
Cool, I ought to find something random to use though, so as not to have an edge over the control deck...

Edit: Okay, I went back and looked at old games in the other forum. Seems easy enough. Any preferences on what sort of deck I use? I mean, I might have developed a reputation for using decks that are not Vintage legal, but I have plenty lists for those, and the new 1.5, and some for the old 1.5, as well as decklists for Extended, Standard, Peasant, and even MD5 block. I can just proxy anything I don't have for this. So what would you prefer?


Staff member
You know, beats me because I don't know what format train's decklist is intended for. Definitely not Standard or Peasant though :)

So I say play what you want, even a non-tourney legal Vintage deck and we can see how it goes. If you end up playing one and you totally cream me, we can try with some tourney-legal deck :)

Call Heads or Tails to see who goes first.