Art/Writing forums



It would be neat if somebody actually started something AD&D around here...

Don't know much about D&D, but am sure that if they pu tme on the top of the subject I should do fine. I hope :(


Staff member
Wow! Someone that has never played D&D (in any of its forms)??? Incredible.

Most people I know have been playing it for at least 20 years - or at lease since Third Edition came out...we definitely could use some more coverage of it...


"...or at least a thread complaining about the cost of all of their source material..."


I have played the game Icewind dale; but never figured how its like D&D. It is in the database that a Nightstalker met the guy that created it.


Wow, the two big cheeses in the forums are getting testy with each other--let's all have a nice hug and go back to acting goofy and flirting with Zhaneel like we used to. ;)

"Oh wait... they're married..."


Somebody say my name?

I have Icewind Dale... don't like it, though. I like turn based stuff better.


Lets do that... Wait!!!! thats not right towards our nice adoring friends.


Staff member
I have Icewind Dale... don't like it, though. I like turn based stuff better.
Thank you! Someone else agrees w/ me on how all of these D&D games that call themselves CRPG's are nothing more than overglorified real-time strategy games...


"...and they sneered when I said I hated Baldur's Gate..."


Staff member
I started a D&D game using "old rules" since I didn't have a 3rd ed. DM's guide and it petered out after a while.

And Icewind Dale/Baldur's Gate is pretty much turn-based as you can hit the spacebar at any point to give orders. I thought BG was a great addition after such a long RPG drought anyway...


D2 is still an old fav. of mine. Just can't figure why its called cheating to change your characters name.

Anyhow, M:TG should get an RPG for the computer.

Is that blasphemy I hear? Get him!


Staff member
I remember the RPG drout - I think it was something like in '97 or something? Around the same time Baldur's Gate came out, Might & Magic VI came out. MM6 was a great game that helped remind people of 'old school' CRPG's - unfortunately, because it didn't have AD&D in front of its name it was overshadowed by Baldur's Gate...

Train: I agree that an RPG for MTG would be great - the original MTG game for Windows 95 had that little Shandalar game that I loved (too bad I can't get it to run in XP), but I think that Wizards/Hasbro should come out w/ a new version...


"...of course, they preger MTGO because they can milk people for lots of cash w/ it..."


*falls over*

Good heavens, Ferret and I agree on something!

I like turn-based games that no one else plays.


Ferret - have you look into the Heroes of Ardania yet...

Zhaneel - same question...


Staff member
Unfortunately, I cannot aford any online games at the moment. As soon as I have steady income, I might get back into it...


"for now, I'm still trying to figure out Kingdom Hearts..."


I like Pong... but nobody likes or plays that anymore.

Try the list that is above my head:

C&C: Renegade, C&C Yuri's Revenge, C&C Red Alert, C&C Red Alert 2, C&C, C&C Tiberian Sun, Star trek: Armada, Diablo 2, Hotel Giant, StarCraft, SC: Brood War, C&C Covert Ops, Half-Life. Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life: Counterstrike, Shadows of Cairn, Septerra Core, Star Wars: Darkforces, Return Fire, Earth 2140, Dark Reign, Jagged Alliance, Duke Nukem 3D, Duke it out in D.C., C&C: Red Alert the aftermath, Nuclear Strike, Outpost 2, Heavy Gear 2, Star Trek ship creator, Die Hard Trilogy 2, Swat 2, Warcraft, Homeworld Cataclysm, Dune 2000, Quake 3 arena (2 disks, linux.), X-Com: Terror From the Deep, X-Com: Apocalypse, Warwinds, Marble Drop, Shogo, Grand Theft Auto 2, Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, Age of Empires, Scattergories, Monopoly, Medal of Honor, Urban Chaos, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale: Hear of Winter, Global Operations, Unreal Tournament, Arcanum, NBA Live 97, Trivia Pursuit, Magic: The Gathering.

And various demo CD's... They don't let low level personnel get ahold of the big computers with all the games on 'em.

Wait! heres a disk with complete games of: Descent, Hong Kong Mahjong Pro, Populus 2, Seven Cities of Gold, Shadowcaster, SpaceHulk, The Savage Empire, Ultima VII, Ultima Underworld, Wing Commander Academy, Yeager's Air Combat, Return to Monkey Island, LeadFoot.

Whoever left this place like this is somekinda killer collector of other CD's as well. Don't know what Shutdown is, or what Red Alert is doing under utilities.


Staff member
I could rattle off my list of games (along w/ games played w/ my best friend), but I don't think the forum has enough room...


"...first game: Atari's Adventure. Most recent: Kingdom Hearts..."


Ferret - Heroes is free... it's link is in the General Gaming forum...

Zhaneel... but they're fun....

And technically tribond is an online game... but i know wht you're talking about...;)


our opinion is that online games (i.e. sims online, everquest, etc.) are just an evil way of getting more money... If you bought the original game and never got any of the add-ons, you would have re-baught the game in about three months of playing it.

Its addictive as hell, and a good idea to make money.

Nuff said