Anyone up for Planechase?


The Tentacled One
While I was looking for singles in my badly-in-need-of-resorting collection, I found my box that has all all four Planechase precons and all four Planechase 2012 precons. I believe that the planar cards are stacked up with my other oversize cards on a bookshelf. I think Planechase is great fun, but I don't believe I've actually played with the original precons and their associated planar decks. Well, here's a group that tends to play precons. So I figure why not? We've done other variant gameplay modes and this one's pretty easy. Any takers?


The Tentacled One
That's three. If we get one more, we can break out all four of the original Planechase precons.


The Tentacled One
Two things to be clear...
  1. The lists you found are for Planechase 2012 and not the original product from 2009. We can do either or both or even mix and match. The products are compatible with each other. I'd had a vague idea that we could do the first set first, then maybe move on to the second one, but whatever you guys want to do.
  2. Each Planechase deck comes with a 10-card Planar Deck, and you'll need those. The M:tG Wiki has all of the lists.


The Tentacled One
Whichever you guys prefer. I haven't actually played any of the decks themselves so they're all new to me.


Staff member
LOL. Okay, roll off to see who goes second (because I assume Mooseman will NOT roll a 1 or 2)..... I got a 3 :eek:


The Tentacled One
I got a 10 on the tiebreaker for last, so it looks like the pick order is Mooseman, Melkor, Oversoul, Spiderman.