Z Zadok001 Guest Oct 3, 2000 #2 Copyright? What copyright? It ain't copyrighted, to my knowledge... If anyone owns it, it's Ed, he made it.
Copyright? What copyright? It ain't copyrighted, to my knowledge... If anyone owns it, it's Ed, he made it.
Ed Sullivan CPA Founder, Web Guy Staff member Oct 3, 2000 #3 I made it. So it's my intellectual property... just licensed to the CPA
Ed Sullivan CPA Founder, Web Guy Staff member Oct 7, 2000 #5 Nope - you need to go through full on licensing and red tape to get it Nah, just ask - keep in mind, it's actually in 2 parts, and I'm not splicing it back together for you.
Nope - you need to go through full on licensing and red tape to get it Nah, just ask - keep in mind, it's actually in 2 parts, and I'm not splicing it back together for you.
D Duel Guest Oct 8, 2000 #6 Ok, cool. I'm considering using it when I assemble "tourney gear". The stuff I'll bring to tournaments (Once I start going).
Ok, cool. I'm considering using it when I assemble "tourney gear". The stuff I'll bring to tournaments (Once I start going).
D DÛke Guest Oct 8, 2000 #7 I think it should be copy righted. Hey, you made it, you deserve it. It's yours. Only "offical" CPA members could use it. I would put a little "TM" mark by it or something.
I think it should be copy righted. Hey, you made it, you deserve it. It's yours. Only "offical" CPA members could use it. I would put a little "TM" mark by it or something.
D Duel Guest Oct 8, 2000 #8 CPATM? What, you type in your code and insert your Magic Card to get money?
Ed Sullivan CPA Founder, Web Guy Staff member Oct 8, 2000 #10 Duke - it is copyrighted. It's automatically copyrighted when I make it. I don't have to put a little copyright thing on it. Oh, and trademarks are completely different than copyrights.. and a HELL of a lot more expensive.
Duke - it is copyrighted. It's automatically copyrighted when I make it. I don't have to put a little copyright thing on it. Oh, and trademarks are completely different than copyrights.. and a HELL of a lot more expensive.
Ed Sullivan CPA Founder, Web Guy Staff member Oct 8, 2000 #12 So you wanna pay me the couple thousand dollars to trademark it?