R Ransac CPA Trash Man May 17, 2007 #1,962 Casnar (Ransac's soprano evil twin) has arrived, as well. Ransac, cpa trash man
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member May 21, 2007 #1,966 Good thing too, because the duet went on and on and on and on...
Mooseman Isengar Tussle May 21, 2007 #1,967 Hastened to finish the song by a pack of howling dogs, Ransac and Casnar turn white as ghosts.....
R Ransac CPA Trash Man May 21, 2007 #1,968 Ingeniously, Ransac pointed the blame at Casnar, which the pack of howling dogs bought and quickly ripped the evil twin to shreds. Ransac, cpa trash man
Ingeniously, Ransac pointed the blame at Casnar, which the pack of howling dogs bought and quickly ripped the evil twin to shreds. Ransac, cpa trash man
Oversoul The Tentacled One May 21, 2007 #1,969 Judas Iscariot would have been proud of Ransac's cunning betrayal.
R Ransac CPA Trash Man May 21, 2007 #1,970 Killer Joe, however, was not proud..... of the fact that he was being violated by a Purging Scythe. Ransac, cpa trash man
Killer Joe, however, was not proud..... of the fact that he was being violated by a Purging Scythe. Ransac, cpa trash man
L Limited Guest May 22, 2007 #1,972 Maybe if you got out more, these things wouldn't surprise you as much.
R Ransac CPA Trash Man May 22, 2007 #1,973 Nah, he gets out fine but just keeps forgetting these things. Ransac, cpa trash man
R Ransac CPA Trash Man May 22, 2007 #1,975 Please.... this is a typical day in the CPA! Ransac, cpa trash man
Killer Joe New member May 22, 2007 #1,976 Quiet! I'm concentrating! .....okay, now how does it go? Lick, bite then drink?.....
S Spiderman Administrator Staff member May 23, 2007 #1,977 Ransac was still dressed in pink and in 17 sizes too small... however, he didn't seem to mind.
R Ransac CPA Trash Man May 23, 2007 #1,978 Spidey poses a good point, but the point is quickly dismissed as Ransac quick changes into shorts and T-Shirt, then throwing a lead rabbit at Spidey. Ransac, cpa trash man
Spidey poses a good point, but the point is quickly dismissed as Ransac quick changes into shorts and T-Shirt, then throwing a lead rabbit at Spidey. Ransac, cpa trash man
Oversoul The Tentacled One May 23, 2007 #1,979 Too bad Ransac didn't notice that Oversoul had put itching powder in the shorts and t-shirt.