At last, the voices of reason!
That's right, as much fun we might think it is to play the power 9, the lesson was learned a long time ago that some cards just should never have been printed. I'm stunned to see so many people who claim to be casual players (ban Bargain! burn the Academy!) want to see the Moxes and Lotus reprinted, not to mention the sickeningly broken Time Walk, Timetwister and Ancestral Recall (yeah, I know avengingangel, "screw the Juzam," etc... I read your post).
How much 'fun' is it when you sit down to a game of 'casual' magic and your opponent goes, "Mox, Swamp, Lotus, Black Vise, Ju-ZAM!!!!" Not a lot, I can tell you from experience. When they Twister and Walk and attack for 5 (and don't forget the 3 you took from Vise) the next turn, ask yourself again, "Am I having fun?"
Now, on the other cards-
I too would like to see the return of some cards. Incinerate would be strong in today's environment, but maybe not too strong (personally, though, I think it should cost RR). The same goes for the Serra Angel, but Swords is just too good for white (like the 'new' Waylay was), and Exile (yes, white weenie players actually use Exile) is a much more appropriate version. The knights, too, are undercosted for the current, "player-friendly" environment. They should return, but with new name and a 1WW mana cost (yep, that means the Paladin should have cost 2WW).
Anyhow, as much of a thrill as it is to play with the Big Guns, I'll have to hope that someday I can actually afford them and play Type 1 (that's right, the mighty Turtle owns zero power nine, Flying men is my oldest, coolest card), or be happy to pretend on Apprentice.
Later, y'all.