2 Planes Crash into WTC



Two things. Griffith - I dont think that the people in the world trade centre were asking for it, but I do think that this sort and scale of attack is the logical outcome of the continued foreign policy techniques of the US government over more than just the last few years, but right back to 1945.
For developing nations the US is Enemy#1, and have been unable to use the international political system to make their voices heard because of how much it is biased in the favor of western developed nations.

I think my earlier comment about this being linked to Israel is possible unwise, a defence analyst on the BBC correctly pointed out that even whent he Oslo Accords were in full flow and Israeli-Palestine relations were relatively good, Bin Laden was still lauching attacks against the US.

But I thought the whole point of the modern democratic system, and of the christian faith, was that violence should never be met by violence ("turn the other cheek"). Maybe Im being a pansy-ass liberal, with a conscience and everything, but I have lost all respect for anybody here who wants to mete out bloody revenge.

On another note Ive already got nearly 200 off-color jokes about this thing in my mailbox. Maybe I`ll keep them to myself though, eh... although I do note that KFC have withdrawn their Flaming Tower Burger from sale (actually true).


First, I just can't believe this has happened...But I'll tell you waht happened to me today...

I was at my lab when it was over and some people were coming in...THey were talking about a building colapsing or something...But I didn't think anything of it and left...Going across campus a radio was on loudly and people were sitting around it, I heard something about buildings, something about airplanes...Then I go to lunch and Luke tells me some airplanes crashed into the WTC...We eat lunch and are going to gym and a kid comes up to us and asks if classes were cancelled, and we were clueless...So we went into the car and listened to the radio and drove home...So yeah, my college classes were cancelled for the day...

I watched TV, and watching that and the radio news, I really felt sick to my stomach...But the sickest thing was the Palestinians partying in the streets with their little plastic flags and smiling and laughing...What sick fucks...I felt like I could go over there and personally shoot every single one of them in the head...How sick...

A guy came into my store tonite, guy in his 40s, big pot belly...Hes retired from the army, but they gave him a call today and said hes back on duty...And I heard from some other people that the army is calling on fire and police men...

And also our main street had a huge line of people wanting to donate blood...They had to finally close and turn a bunch of people away...I'm planning on donating tommorow...Someone told me my blood type, B+, was rare...

I'm honestly scared...


just to clear something up. All palestinian children were taught how evil we are. they were told bombing us would give them heaven. and that is why children laugh and play in the streets of palestine, so don't blame them, blame the one who taught them.


It wasn't just them!...I saw young adults!...I saw an old lady dance around and jiggle fists in the air!!!...


The retribution time will come. Soon enough, I will join the army, and make a necklace out of Palestinian children's ears.... THEN we'll see who'll be laughing and dancing in the streets. And all the pansy-ass liberals, BITE ME!!!


i was just saying, as sick as it is, don't get mad at all the people....


CPA Trash Man
I hate propaganda(not the card, the card rules[YES!!!!!! I FOUND A MAGIC REFERENCE TO THIS!!![).

Ransac, cpa trash man


A necklace of their ears? I hope you have a sick sense of humor. Really, I do.


People, people, I hate to say it, I really do, but calm down. Death is never a fun thing, worrying about death of a loved one (arhar!!) is never a fun thing, but how you react to everything bad that happens to you is so freakin'' important!!!

If we had it your way arhar, we'd be lower in morals and ethics than the palistenians (spl?). They'd be a molten slab of rock where they used to be. However, you've gotto figure that this was probably wasn't palistenians, because they're the obvious ones. If someone raised their hands in palistenia, military action would commence, they'd lose the war and so on.... Bad thing for them.

You have to realize that there are going to be tensions between countries. The US obviously is envied, and hated by lots of people, but I guess they have the right to envy, or to want to covet. They grew up in harsher circumstances, where the US are helping their mortal enemies!! For them, it was probably like another kid punching the US bully in the back.

So please, until we know who did anything, restrain from anything voilent to middle eastern countries, and please? No nukes. Nuclear winter is always bad. And the earth rotating with a chunk out of it is also bad.

Don't yell at me,


Killer Joe

New member
I walked into the Main Office to get some information on a purchase order when I noticed everyone was staring at the TV up on the counter. I looked at it and saw thw second jet fying into the building. No one talked, not the secrataries, not the counsler, not even the Principal. I stood there for about a minute, I walked out the door and down to my office, in the music wing, sat down, and sobbed :(.
I usually eat all of my lunch way before my lunchtime, not today, infact, I noticed that by the time the "end of lunch" bell rang, I hadn't eaten, at all.
My sixth period Choir class (another story about why I'm also the Choral Director) came into the room. We talked about it for a while. I went on with the lesson plan and at the end, I stopped and ask them if they would join me in singing "America the Beautiful". They did. Tears were streaking down my eyes and some of theirs, too.
I served in the Armed Forces (Army), and I have always felt patriotic about our country, and I swear, I would do anything, and I mean anything, to protect it.
Because I believe in God, Country and Family.
I believe that everyone has the right to the pursuit of love, life and happiness.
I believe that a nation is made up of all kinds of people yet share a common thread, America, in all it's glory and all it's freedom's.
I believe prople should have a right to speak their mind.
I believe that all religions and cultures can coincide in our society.
I believe that children should grow up learning tolorance.
I believe in America.
I believe those responsible for this will have to answer to this anti-humantistic action.
We're the enemy, to them? You betcha' NOW we are.
I believe that every single enemy of this state is just filled with jelousy because their religions/cultures surpress them and don't allow them to think on their own.
Today sucked. It was the worst day in American history.
Nothing will be the same. But maybe, just maybe, it'll all make us a little closer, as a people, as a nation, and as a world community.

This is Yellowjacket


"All palestinian children were taught how evil we are."

That is an incorrect statement. It's also vaguely propaganda-based. Please ignore it. I know Palestines. They are no less than I am, and some of them are by far and away my betters. I respect them with every molecule of my body. I will NOT stand to see an entire race insulted for the crimes of a few.

I woke up this morning. Thirty seconds later, I got a phone call, informing me that I should turn on the news. The first thing I saw was a shot of the New York City skyline.

After a few moments, I noticed the void where the WTC should be. Then the column of smoke.

I left my house, and wandered the town for a while. I just didn't want to be at home. This is the tragedy of the decade, possibly the last 50 years. You will all remember this day for the rest of your lives. Whether you remember it as the day WWIII began, or the day the US showed just how strong we are, is up to us. Stand for justice, not vengeance.


Originally posted by Gizmo
although I do note that KFC have withdrawn their Flaming Tower Burger from sale (actually true).
Originally posted by Gizmo
The Americans have been paying the Irish to kill the British for 30 years.
Originally posted by Gizmo

to Arhar:

Physician, heal thyself.

You've lost respect for me?

Don't get Me wrong, I like you as a person, I think you can be a little snotty, but I like You. :)
Please don't think I want to get in a pissing contest.

I think you're wrong, I think putting pressure on countries that harbor these criminals is the correct solution. I think this is exactly what will happen

Sorry, I think America has turned the final cheek.

We will go down to there level, and fight them.

There is no peaceful solution, sometimes peace must be forced. Sad but true.


Here, from Venezuela, people is joining you in this hour of grief... But guys, try to think a little more about this... There's no country on this planet who will support this kind of behavior against the biggest power of the world... No, the palestinians couldn't do this beacause they will loose the fight against the jewish... Not even Sadam, because that will mean signing his death sentence... This is, no doubt, the job of Osama Bin Laden who is America's (and the free world) number one enemy... This was a very well organized act of terrorism that only shows how money and fanatism are a bad, bad mix... The WTC represented the pinnacle of the power in America and like that he wanted to destroy it... And with that action he wanted to create a huge amount of grief among the american people in order to force them to fight a war in which there'll be no battlefield... And all the fanatics in the world will join him and that will be the beggining of fear across the world... You have to act like you always said, bring him to justice, give him a fair trial and tell the world who the real criminal is...


Staff member
I work at Social Security headquarters in Woodlawn and while I personally thought that it was not going to be a target "high" on any list, my wife wanted me to come home early.

First off, we don't know who did this yet. So let's not blame anyone, Palestinians or Bin Laden, yet.

Second, while I partially agree with Gizmo in that I am surprised something like this hasn't happened before (with the exception of the failed attempted bombing of the World Trade buildings in '93 and the immediate assumption of a terrorist attack when Oklahama happened), I disagree with his implied statement that the US "deserved" it because of its policies. Perhaps its policies were unfair to some, perhaps not. But violence and bloodshed is never acceptable to start. Period. Especially on innocents.

I do feel violence is an acceptable response, as long as it targets those responsible and not innocents. Hence, I'm thinking some covert/commando operations are going to be in order.

Last, Zadok, while I cannot say that Palestinian children as a generation are "taught" to hate Israelis and their allies, there was one article in the Washington Post last week that highlighted the differences between one Palestinian school and an Israeli school. Both had misconceptions and misunderstandings about each other that shows why their conflict is perpetuating itself.


Spidey - did I ever use the word 'deserved'? I dont think I did, and certainly thats not the word I mean to use if I did use it. I just think that you can plot a course to these events from the policies of the US government. Its not necessarily 'deserved' but it was a logical outcome.


CPA Trash Man
One man is in custody, no names have been released.

A rental car, thought to have been used by the hijackers, has been confiscated from the Airport in Boston. Commercial Flight manuals in Arabic were found inside.

Ransac, cpa trash man


In addition to what Ransac just posted:

NATO has declared that an attack on the United States is an attack on the entire NATO alliance and the member nations stand ready for whatever action and assistance is needed.

The European Union is also standing with the US to fight terrorism and bring the perpetrators to justice by whatever sensible and logical means are required.