Moving on from blue denial, i've tried red reusable land destruction:
What's probably most important is abilities that can be used over and over again. Hammer of Bogardan has been mentioned, as has the rebel engine. It's a shame buyback isn't featured in the legal sets. What we do have, however, is spellshapers. Another observation is that lands are vulnerable, as they are very difficult to replace once lost. Which means the order of the day is a land destruction spellshaper: Seismic Mage.
1 Seismic Mage (MM)- Destroy all their land, part 1.
1 Squee (MM)- Destroy all their land, part 2.
1 Rishadan Pawn Shop (MM)- Save key permanents from destruction by returning them to library- crucial to keep the seismic mage going.
1 Impatience (UD)- Without mana, they can't play.
1 Veteran Brawlers (PY)- If they don't have land, they don't have untapped land, making this a great creature.
1 Lightning Dragon (US)- Another solid Finisher.
1 Hammer of Bogardan (6th)- Alternative victory route, direct damage and counter-proof.
7 Mountain
1 Rishadan Port (MM)- More denial
SB: 1 Hammer Mage (MM)- In case of Artifact Mana.
SB: 1 Shivan Gorge (US)- If you need colourless damage (eg they have hosers such as COP:Red.
SB: 1 Flint Golem (NE)- More colourless damage and highly unlikely to be blocked early on.
What's probably most important is abilities that can be used over and over again. Hammer of Bogardan has been mentioned, as has the rebel engine. It's a shame buyback isn't featured in the legal sets. What we do have, however, is spellshapers. Another observation is that lands are vulnerable, as they are very difficult to replace once lost. Which means the order of the day is a land destruction spellshaper: Seismic Mage.
1 Seismic Mage (MM)- Destroy all their land, part 1.
1 Squee (MM)- Destroy all their land, part 2.
1 Rishadan Pawn Shop (MM)- Save key permanents from destruction by returning them to library- crucial to keep the seismic mage going.
1 Impatience (UD)- Without mana, they can't play.
1 Veteran Brawlers (PY)- If they don't have land, they don't have untapped land, making this a great creature.
1 Lightning Dragon (US)- Another solid Finisher.
1 Hammer of Bogardan (6th)- Alternative victory route, direct damage and counter-proof.
7 Mountain
1 Rishadan Port (MM)- More denial
SB: 1 Hammer Mage (MM)- In case of Artifact Mana.
SB: 1 Shivan Gorge (US)- If you need colourless damage (eg they have hosers such as COP:Red.
SB: 1 Flint Golem (NE)- More colourless damage and highly unlikely to be blocked early on.