Search results

  1. Ed Sullivan

    Should I be BANNED?

    Master - no, you're not going to be banned. I just don't want these forums to turn into the dojo, err.. a moderator-less circus. (BTW, did anyone ever seen tunahwa do anything at the dojo forums?) <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I don't...
  2. Ed Sullivan

    Deck concepts

    Actually, it was errata-ed. The creature doesn't actually come into play. If you pay the CC, THEN it comes into play. So don't try to use it with Academy Rector like early bargain decks. -mike
  3. Ed Sullivan

    Should The Master be banned from theese forae?

    CT - Yeah, I can ban his IP. Notice the nice buttons down at the bottom :) deathsicle - True, you don't have to read his posts, but his messages are beginning to make that forum look like the dojo -- useless. (Ok, so I exagerated) If he resides in the off topic forum, that's fine. But we asked...
  4. Ed Sullivan

    I'm throwing down the gauntlet

    Feel free to ignore those people :) Anyone notice this: Thread started 11:33 PM All but 1 reply (well, 2 with me) before 1 AM ...hmmm ;) -mike
  5. Ed Sullivan


    Haha, I read that sentence wrong the first time. That would've been a suprise :cool: But thanks! -mike
  6. Ed Sullivan


    Go to the Casual Articles section, then click on the link to submit new articles! :) -mike
  7. Ed Sullivan

    I'm throwing down the gauntlet

    (That appears to be your 20th post tonight :)) <font size="2" color="#FF6000">* Ed Sullivan turns igfett into a newt!</font> See associated wav file: -mike
  8. Ed Sullivan

    I'm throwing down the gauntlet

    On second thought, lets not go to the CPA. 'Tis a silly place! :) -mike
  9. Ed Sullivan


    Well, what else can I sink X Black mana into? And igfett, how many posts have you had since you came back? How many posts have there been in the last hour? 20? 30? :) -mike
  10. Ed Sullivan


    Read that damn battle arena thread! And then check then go here: -- it'll tell you some (SOME) of the UBB codes. I've been too lazy to update it anymore. -mike
  11. Ed Sullivan


    Hey! Any combo that uses carnival of souls has to get some points! -mike
  12. Ed Sullivan


    Actually, Chuck (and everyone for that matter) - if your name is orange and you have "CPA Founder" under your name, you are an Admin. You can edit anyone's posts, delete, close, and re-open threads. :) Yes, it is possible to move topics, but I never actually wrote a hack to do that :) Maybe...
  13. Ed Sullivan

    I'm throwing down the gauntlet

    Look! Its an Orgg! A damsel in distress!! (Sorry, that was bad -- I was trying to fit a Monty Python joke in there) <font size="2" color="#FF6000">* Ed Sullivan Brings in English Police to cart Mr. Orgg off to jail for arson</font> Oh, igfett, to do the orange text, type this: [ me ] ...
  14. Ed Sullivan


    done! -mike
  15. Ed Sullivan


    Or there's also: Angelic Chorus Carnival of Souls Drain Life Aluren (Don't pay casting cost if 3 or less) Man-o'-War (3CC, when it comes into play, bounce a creature) Bounce Man-o'-War infinite times, cast Drain Life. :) -mike
  16. Ed Sullivan

    I'm throwing down the gauntlet

    <font size="2" color="#FF6000">* Ed Sullivan wheels in wooden horse</font> Don't make me use my secret plan. And don't forget I know the Knights Who Say Icky-Icky-Patang-Zing-Boing-Whoop-Whoop-Whoop -mike
  17. Ed Sullivan


    It's actually used to get rid of the junk in the general CPA stuff forum. -mike
  18. Ed Sullivan

    Rating people rejoice!

    For all you that enjoy rating, I present: Go wild! -mike
  19. Ed Sullivan

    Here is a joke off the topic.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>oh well, i'm back witha vengeance now<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We can tell :) -mike
  20. Ed Sullivan

    A few suggestions

    Two new forums added. -mike