Search results

  1. Shabbaman

    Black/White Control for MP

    I'd get rid of the discard if I were you, and find something to draw cards yourself. Phyrexian arena, that sort of thing. Running discard will make you a target. You're aiming for the Best Player (BP). He's either running control or combo. You're not aggressive enough to ruin him with a little...
  2. Shabbaman

    Power rare?!?

    So you need Coalition victory, Prismatic omen, Scrapbasket or some other 5-colored permanent, and 8 lands. Well, 1 land and 8 mana to be exact. Granted, it is a combo, but not enough to declare it a power rare. Still the card seems to have some value, so it must be better than I think it is.
  3. Shabbaman

    Power rare?!?

    You won't win games with this card unless you combine it with something else, unlike bitterblossom. It won't even keep you from losing games, like damnation/wog. It does let you play a full domain, but it still doesn't get you any lands. If you want a full domain, you still need 5 lands to...
  4. Shabbaman

    The Friday "Drag"

    Lightning + open field = excitement.
  5. Shabbaman

    What the... Who are these guys?

    I admin a site full of "content" ;) Giving a meaningful contribution to a M:TG discussion is a bit more difficult though.
  6. Shabbaman

    What the... Who are these guys?

    Yeah, that would be me. I signed up ages ago, but I didn't post so much. IIRC I got here following a link in Jorael's signature (at least I think I saw a link in his sig somewhere recently) or by a reference in an article on Starcity Games. Could be Abe Sargent, dunno. It looks as if I'm on a...
  7. Shabbaman

    EDH Ideas

    I just read a whole discussion on it on that EDH forum. Personally I think it's a pity, because it goes against the whole reasoning behind the hybrid cards. But then again, the format is all about handicapping yourself, which is a Good Thing(tm). Could you post your decklist? Perhaps some mod...
  8. Shabbaman

    EDH Ideas

    It looks simple, but the rules are confusing. Bolding by me. Now I just assume that it means you can't play hybrid mana that isn't of the approriate color combination. Boros is WR, I guess this doesn't exclude the selesnya guildmage in the phelddagrif example. BTW, for those not "in the...
  9. Shabbaman

    EDH Ideas

    I want to build a EDH with Oona as my general, but now I'm wondering if that would restrict my cards to hybrid only, or colorless, blue and black. Any clue, anyone?
  10. Shabbaman

    The Magic Show w/Evan Erwin

    Well, sponsored... SCG posts a lot of articles and they pay their writers. For some of their articles you have to pay, but you can read them for free after three months. I read most of it daily (as with, and the budget and multiplayer columns are even great for casual gamers. Abe...
  11. Shabbaman

    U/G/? Treshold

    Outdated? Looking at the dates I'd say these are still the current threads. The Source is the prime source for anything related to legacy. It would be a great site if it weren't for their harsh moderator regime. Even all the people from TMD migrated to the Source.
  12. Shabbaman

    U/G/? Treshold

    Well, if you insist... [;)] I'm just going to refer to these threads. If you run counterbalance/top is more a question of how random your meta is, I think. If you expect to play mirror matches a lot, countertop should be nice. Beating random crap is a lot harder. I wouldn't run shackles: the...
  13. Shabbaman

    UW Counter-Top Deck

    So how is counterbalance in the "subtle" department?
  14. Shabbaman

    UW Counter-Top Deck

    Sorry, that's Isochron scepter plus a bunch of instants like lightning helix, orim's chant and counterspell.
  15. Shabbaman

    UW Counter-Top Deck

    I do come here occasionally since I signed up some time ago, but TBH I'm only inclined to talk about deck construction. Unfortunately there's not a lot of activity in that aspect. So that's two high CC creatures a STP will get rid of. Vise... seriously? In a MP game? It only targets one...
  16. Shabbaman

    UW Counter-Top Deck

    Nothing wrong with random ;) Vintage rules, I guess? The problem is that you have to make a choice what you want with the counterbalance, because it's tough to "have it all". The instant tutors are great to get something on the top of your library, but you can only use 1 each. Besides that, you...
  17. Shabbaman

    UW Counter-Top Deck

    Oh. Well, then you also have to play tinker and darksteel collossus. It's obligatory.
  18. Shabbaman

    UW Counter-Top Deck

    Don't forget you have to worry about the converted casting cost of cards that you put in your deck. You might want to stick to 1 and 2 CC mainly, so you can save your hard counters for more expensive spells. Well, that's the thought behind legacy countertop decks anyway, I'm not sure what...
  19. Shabbaman

    Casual Card Hall of Fame Discussion

    Wouldn't it be about time to nominate cards for Lorwyn? My favorite Lorwyn card is Shriekmaw. It showcases a major mechanic of the set, it has nice art and it's a very solid card overall. The card gives you versatility: early removal or an evasive finisher. Or both. It doesn't have a flavor...
  20. Shabbaman

    UW Counter-Top Deck

    Sure: enlightened and mystical tutor. Any card with scry, but there aren't many noteworthy instants I guess. Unblinking bleb could be a nice surprise if you plan on playing Exalted angels.