So that was just a continuation of the fight round from Sept 20? Okaaay.... that was not clear :lol:
Dorgath calls upon Grimnir for his aid and blessing and moves to finish off Nazzrakin.
Hey Ransac, I finally saw your trade proposal :oops: I got the email that said you proposed it but I couldn't find it on the actual site until I finally just noticed it on My Team when I was looking at other things. Sorry, I wasn't ignoring you.
Dorgath calls to the others "Get in here! And Jekaena, protect yourself!" and moves to the square below the Cold One and attacks with his Axe. Hopefully one of the other melee types will move into the square diagonal and box it in. And the missile types will fire at the banshee.
Dorgath will move to the square directly opposite the bridge (which I think is the second row from the bottom, far right if I'm reading the map right?) and then move towards the bridge (so still second row from bottom, second column from right) and keep checking.
"maybe I should tie myself with...